I missed something here. I'm OK with that, but if there is an easy explanation, that would be cool too. thx

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I feel like the first time I go to a movie or something, it's going to almost be overwhelming!

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I would like to know if Jen wants to meet hot girls right now.

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Rethuglicons are cognitively incapable of comedy.

Comedic talent requires the appreciation of context and nuance, concepts that Rethuglicons have demonstrated that they do not recognize.

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Oh that question about Catholic doctors.Fuck allthe way off.

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Will the Fuhrer be imposing through sheer force of will, and fuck the law, burn Chicago to the ground?

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The 13yo killed in Chicago recently was killed by a cop.

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Oh so that asshole didn't point out the shooting was from a cop? I thought that was the case, but I didn't hear it and wanted to keep listening.

Fuuuuuck youuuuu, rando reporter.

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" . . . people are dying on the streets every day"

Yeah, and Republicans refuse to cooperate on gun safety legislation because "FREEDUMB!!!" (and "IDENITY ISSUE" that is good for fundraising). And you KNOW that, you feckless reporter.

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It was a very bad attempt at a "gotcha" question.

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Good comedy is funny because on some level it is true. Conservatives know nothing about truth or irony. Comedy doesn't work when you have to have memorized all the alt-reality.

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This would actually be the second time they've tried this. Half Hour Comedy Hour RIP.

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Paywall. I for one am not willing to pay to read about Greg Gutfeld.

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That’s even dumber than I imagined

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I'm beginning to think that's the only reason he shows up.

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I know his was the remake but I'll always hear that in Cash's voice.

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