Slippery? Or well-lubed?

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<i>There is a reason this did not come up in law school, and that is because a fetus is growing inside another person who does have pretty clearly defined rights</i>

ha ha, you are so funny lawsplaining how wimmenz have 'rights' when the BIBUL and the JEEBUS written CONSTITUSHUN clearly doesn't even recognize the EXISTANCE of wimmenz cause ALL MEN are created equal, ipso facto, you are WRONG!


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Maybe it's a jerbs bill to give all those oppressed, wingnut "christians" jerbs teaching the new Fetal Law 101 class in Texas law schools?

Or it could just be more of the same horrible GOP shit, different day.

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My first thought, as an underemployed lawyer, who is going to pay? Do fetus have money? And if it is the state, isn't there some underprivileged social services Texas could fund?

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And, whatever they might say, not always better.

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Does the dead lady at least get maternity leave (and pay) from her employer?

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I have seen this movie. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/wat..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8xe8p6zECQ">https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Four words: Jury Of Their Peers.

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I just love the republican version of getting the government off our backs.

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Being brain-dead in Texas does seem to be all that uncommon .....

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Say ... who <i>else</i> in Texas is brain-dead?

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Texas Fetuses - "You will get the best lawyer we can find."

Texas Defendants facing execution - "Eh, you'll have to make do."

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<i> From the law offices of Zygote and Gamete...</i>

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