Don't worry - Sheer uh "Am I an Idiot?" uh InSannity is a great many things - funny certainly isn't one of them!

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I fondly remember my one semester at U of Wisconsin (Green Bay). Packs of women would roam from bar to bar...

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I agree. I really wish that at least some prominent liberals had the stones to give "fuck you" answers like that once in awhile.

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And when that died down, it was Joel vs. Mike.

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<i>“Clearly you have forgotten that the student is your customer,” one person wrote. “They pay you for services rendered.” </i>

Same applies to citizens/taxpayers who pay the Republican/tea-party government for services.

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Bill Maher said that. I think I have it in his "New Rules" book somewhere.

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There's a good chance she's only in college to get herself an edjumacated man-child spouse critter. Apologies to Prof. Slocum and any Wonky cartographers, but nothing says Mrs. degree like geography as an elective.

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Between their inexorable drift to the right for the last 4 decades, their willingness to throw Dean and the 50 state strategy under the bus and their abandonment of traditional allies like organized labor, they've cowered like a bunch of frightened children at every opportunity.

Evidence? Today's NYT editorial about Dems belated support for populist issues like increasing the minimum wage- wtf took them so long? As the times article says- is it too little, too late? How about the previous story about Alex Sink? it's a microcosm of what is wrong with the party as a whole- embracing austerity and offering up entitlement cuts in the idiotic belief that it will win over republican voters- Sink lost because of her support of Simpson-Bowles and her lukewarm support for the ACA. Guess what? The base stayed home because she gave them no reason to turn out and the R's voted for R's because they have no reason to vote for an R lite.

The DNC is overflowing with a bunch of comfortably ensconced apparatchiks who care far more for their personal power, security and well-being than they do about winning elections. Far too many of them shrink from a fight and the party has become infected with triangulating opportunists. When Liz Warren becomes the exception rather the rule you have a real problem. When you abandon your core principles for that sweet corporate cash and forget the progressive populism that made your party a formidable force you're going to flounder.

For all their faults the GOP is very good at message discipline and unity. When one of theirs is attacked they circle the wagons to protect them, while Dems scatter like rats from a sinking ship. Finally Harry Reid is showing some backbone and calling out the Koch brothers, yet too many establishment Dems tsk, tsk him rather than having his back (and having a winning message). How many times do we have to watch the charade of Dems "being the adult in the room" and making compromise after compromise before we admit that they're just not very good at being Machiavellian?

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They're a floor wax! They're a dessert topping!

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So I'm guessing it would be against Rules For Radicals if we organized a letter-writing campaign against Katie Johnson, right? *puts away poison pen, reluctantly*

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How nice, she's learned the Republican Party theme song.

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Are there liberals on the screen? Should we go to FORCE CONDITION DERP?

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lazy, coward and backstabbing- she'll be running the place in a few years

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