I don't think Martin Short or Steve Martin would do it. Chevy Chase might, though..

I guess you could try Johnson, Nattiel, and Jackson...

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Me also, too!

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Now that I figured out how to make my wireless connection work (yes, I'm an old, shut up), I look forward to the liveblogging. It makes those things tolerable.

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Some of us Cubs fans would rather watch "The Real Pig Eviscerations of Bumblefuck, Iowa" than the Series this year.

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Joni Ernst is running?

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They'll bring fun for the whole family: the amazing Trump and his hair of mystery (is it a separate living creature? is it from this Earth?) loopy Ben and his CRAZY answers and then guess what substance he has consumed! Jeb and his never ending underwear waterfalls! Ted Cruz and his incredible boneless face! Should you punch it? Why not! iCarly and her completely frozen face, watch her try to smile! Marco Rubio as lobster boy and his special talent of drinking a whole bottle of water and being a idiot! Mike Huckabee and his Cave of Disgustingness, watch his son strangle a dog then they'll deep fry it and eat as a family while Josh Duggar plays "smell my fingers" as the special guest of the Cave! Rand Paul as the amazing talking dummy, who's hand is in his back? With a show you like that, how can it not go over well?

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I do considering both of the teams I wanted to be in scrubbed out so I'm sitting this one out- besides the Royals don't need me to watch them beat the Mets. It's just going to happen...

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Why aren't debates available fucking free to everyone. This is so frustrating. I hate that every time I have to scramble to see this. It should always be available for free on fucking PBS or whatever. This is not a for-profit enterpr-oh wait.

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i swear they all used to be NPR-d. but i guess the for profit motive is too strong and can't be contaminated with your public radio socialisms.

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It looks like everybody is hoping to trip up the leading candidates by getting specific about their economic plans and stances. Any bets how well that works?

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You know Aaron is thinking about it.

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I'd settle for one of those lame not-so-cool toys, like a sticker or a few rational sentences with content in them.

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At this point, they are just more campaign ads anyway. It's not like we are getting anything but snark bait especially from the Rebs.

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If you just can't wait for tonight's GOP "debate" here's pretty much what to expect...


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How does this work? They all plan tax cuts all around for the rich and tax increases for the poor, so won't it be a draw?

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I'm preparing to gag and/or rage when Carly F starts spouting her soundbites. Her talking points are sounding very good on paper (e.g. "children need choices, not chances" when it comes to schooling) and she delivers them with the gravitas and righteous indignation of the church lady on the Simpsons (won't someone think of the children!). I really loathe listening to her. I don't know where she gets this sense of superciliousness.

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