Bamz painted a giant target on the Yucatan so that big asteroid would have something to aim for.

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The last ice age happened because for 10,000 years he neglected to shovel the snow off the sidewalk in front of his house.

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For thousands of millennia he stashed the bodies of the people he killed in the Olduvai Gorge.

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He told the Pompeiians that "if you like your volcano insurance, you can keep your volcano insurance."

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He rode a tank and held a general's rank while the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank.

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I have an alternate theory, but I will admit it is kind of far-fetched. Suspend your disbelief for a moment, please! It posits that time itself isn't changing, but it is <i>the facts around those events</i> that are the ones that changed...!

I know, you're thinking "right, and then what? Some cynical media owners exploit the un-thinking masses by feeding them misinformation or something. Like, people can't be that dumb to not notice how the narrative changes from one story to the next, let alone miss the glaring hypocrisy and contradictions." I know! Bear with me! Here's the devious part. It gets a little complicated:

See, then the people who own the media, see, they are like the over-class, and they conspire with other wealthy and connected folks to do things, like blow the budget up so high when they are in power, then when they are not in power, shriek at all the government spending on everything except bombs and tax cuts for people who pay lots of taxes -- that's the over-class, you see? -- and then they get the same un-thinking masses to believe that the only solution is to cut funding for things like education, which keeps the future generations stupid and un-thinking!

Yeah, I know, it's a reach. </i></i>

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I liked K-9, back in the day.

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That was a pretty blonde Danish Prime Minister in <i>this</i> timeline, iirc.

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I'd like to understand how his election was brought us both a 'post-racial society' and a return to the worst racism since the end of the Civil War.

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And THE Ohio State University!

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What about "America The Beautiful?"

"Of THE I sing."

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We are now the Union of Federated Constitutional Republics.

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UK, loves... No, wait, that's Pepperland.

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The clearest indication is if you see a copy of <i>Gray's Sports Almanac</i> sticking out of his coat pocket.

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Um, wibbly ... wobbly .... timey ... wimey ...

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