I don’t remember a redemption chapter in Mein Kampf, either

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[I must not invite the banhammer...]

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The book burners are back, more racist than ever. 🤬

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So Critical Race Theory really is anything that makes white racists haz a sad? That sounds like something completely imbecilic and not the post graduate tool for understanding institutional racism that I’m pretty sure it actually is.

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I can’t wait for the fair and balanced biography of James Earl Ray to be introduced into school curriculum showing how he was a good neighbor, friend, uncle, brother, cousin, or whatever, because it’s not fair to judge a (white) person for one thing they did, and not look at everything else in his life.

Maybe they could use the Ray biography to explain why Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made people mad enough to want to kill him, and how we should avoid getting people that mad at us.

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When I first approached the door to the school, there was a...loving...group of...singing...white people yelling...ice cream...at me. Instead of seeing this as a way to address...kittens...and allow all children to be...apple pie...these people only saw a little black girl who challenge their world of...cookies.

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The redemption of the white people outside the school would require, you know, that redemption had taken place. Just sayin'.

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Next on Dangerously Embarrassing Wypipo: Watch us do gold medal-level racist gymnastics to prove how much denying our entrenched privilege because duh we’re the real victims here again while still attempting to hurt BIPOC with more bullshit caucass whinging!

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I literally, out loud, right the frick out loud, gasped (I did!) WHAT THA FUCK??!

For serious. Utterly gobsmacked. Just.... speechless.

Now, flip this thing: little white girl bravely marching, starched petticoats and mary janes, into a hostile mob and you bet your sweet ass these same cretins would have the story as the Holy Grail of pre-K, don't tell me they wouldn't.

I feel an inarticulate rage babble coming on. Must get my tea on and hug a chiwow-wow.

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Don't get me started on Forget the Alamo...

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I like Barack Obama’s precedency. Precedent setting presidency.

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Wait until these people find out about slavery!

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It's, I, the, the thing, I can't understand, what is, what? What. What? Aaaand [redacted]

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This exemplifies the notion that racism is a kind of collective narcisstic personality disorder. To read this book about a heroic little girl and obsessing on how this makes some white people look bad, and therefore every white person look bad. This is kind of thinking is just like a narcist, making everything about themselves.

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Racists claiming to not be racists doubling down on racism.

Man does that make your head spin

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