What are you, some kind of queer? I forget the line from the movie exactly.

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Nuke the gay baby whales for Jesus.

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sigh - electrolytes are what plants crave.

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My bad, I was remembering the part where they said he talked like a fag for using normal sentences.

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Meh -- all those pesky scientists and their liberal facts. Why do they hate America?

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Just a bunch of goddamn old-ass trees anyhow. Suckin up all the light, stuntin' the growth of the youngin' trees. Think of it as medicare reform - for trees. Less Olds equals more productive Youngs.

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I think the correct stupid answer is from Eature above. dump the trees in empty coal mines, seal them, set them on fire, then in 500 years, you have a huge supply of charcoal to cook your squirrel bbq. Because that will be the only food, and the only fuel left by then. So where's my Nobel Prize for preserving humanity?

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But what are electrolytes?

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Then dana said “global warming’s a scourge, But the republican answer soon will emerge!” He said “cut the trees sir, cut them all, every one! The shortest and tallest and oldest (for fun!) No ash shall be spared! No rowan exempt!” (And this is why dana gets loads of contempt)

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what does this have to do with tax cuts?

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<i>"“Or would people be supportive of cutting down older trees in order to plant younger trees as a means to prevent this disaster from happening?” [Rohrabacher] continued."</i>

I missed something. This is a Repubican openly <i>admitting</i> to the reality of climate change due to greenhouse gases. Is today opposite day? Do pigs have wings now? Is the weather in Hell (Minnesota) sub-freezing?

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<a href="http:\/\/www.geocities.com\/denniverse\/MAX\/scannersexplodinghead.gif" target="_blank">This.</a>

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"Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher is a senior member on the House Committee on <b>Throttling </b>Science"


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I thought it was grilled yeti.

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My toilets got water in it, and I ain't never seen no plants in there.

Hilarity ensues.

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Dana Rohrbacher fits nicely into the Noble gases column on the Periodic table. He's mentally inert, a simple asphxyiant, and like his stupidity, very abundant.

Instead of carbon sequestration, we should call it Rohrbacher sequestration. It has a very practical sound to it.

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