Relax, Roscoe --the homeless guy at the Broadway subway station mutters in what might be Bulgarian, and I don't feel bad about not understanding him.

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There might be something about "safe words" and the First Amendment in there, but it's a really long opinion and I haven't read it closely.

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Hoping to get lucky. You know how it is with conservatives, hotels, and conferences away from home.

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Plus "intellectual" and "conservative" co-existing in a single skull is a topic worthy of research, all by itself.

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Why do I get the feeling Burke would be a denialist about AGW? "Sorry about that, Maldives, but cutting emissions would have been just so, you know, <i>inconvenient.</i>

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And yet part of me says "no".

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Out west, where you vacation, the aspens will already be turning. They turn in clusters, because their roots connect them.

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Both genders in one man(?)! As Steve Martin explained in <i>L.A. Story</i>: "If I had breasts, I'd never leave the shower." (paraphrase; too lazy to google the line)

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who would have seen this coming?

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I don't think we should be so eager to defend Roberts.

After all, he still gave us "Citizens United" and as soon as Prop. 8 gets to the SCOTUS, watch how fast he toes the wingnut political line once again.

/sorry for the lack of snark

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Faux-intellectual experience for yuppie weenies, Jim. Thanks for giving me the cover I needed for not understanding much/any of these utterances by David Brooks.

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Thank you. I thought he was referring to a person named Burk, another name I couldn't really place.

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Word salad approaching an almost Palinesque level, except with multisyllabic words.

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1.(of a person) Excessively or ingratiatingly flattering; oily: "anxious to please in an unctuous way". 2.(chiefly of minerals) Having a greasy or soapy feel.

It works both ways!

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