OK one for Mr. Catt (NSFW)

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I agree. However living in NOLA has forced my to master the fine art of 'drinking alone' even when other people are around.

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Which video was which again?

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This vulgar Texan can't afford to go to Mardi Gras (actually, in my 56 years I've never even been to Louisiana) but will try to celebrate at home. Since the Ramos Gin Fizz is too much hassle to make repeatedly I'll just drink straight gin. And then go shake my male boobs in front of my mirror.

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Actually, I'd kind of like to do Mardi Gras one more time. It's been long enough (I think) and I'd like to see NO again. But ... geeze, the mobs. Maybe Jazz Fest is better. Lots of people, but lots of music too. And food.

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