Oh. I'll hold you both in The Light.I have an old cat. He's my buddy. Good luck with yours.

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Welp, dixsux put this in the wrong thread...

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Since he mentioned Bisbee, I have to recommend this film.


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Very interesting, thank you Erik. Thanks for the resource list at the end, too.

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"Put them in the iron maiden."

"Iron Maiden? Excellent!"

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Wonderbread that has been left out in south Florida for a few days in August.

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Floyd the Barber, from the old Andy Griffith Show. Noted for randomly commenting, during conversations, "Calvin Coolidge said that, ya know..."

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Thank you for the article. To your list, I would add The Guarded Gate: Bigotry, Eugenics, and the Law That Kept Two Generations of Jews, Italians, and Other European Immigrants Out of America by Daniel Okrent.

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From what I've been seeing, the feds did a good job of cracking down on the original Klan in the 1800s, and it had pretty much disappeared.It was after the release of "Birth of a Nation" that it became cool to be a Klansman again, as the bigots were painted as the defenders of white womanhood from the rampaging hordes of dark-skinned rapists. During this time the Klan spread way beyond the former Confederaraitor states and became more anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant and Jew-hating.My late dad, who was born in '1928, spoke favorably of the Klan, and likely would have been a member had his father not been half-Cherokee, which would sink a person's admission. I remember one time him saying that the Klan was about more than racism -- if some white guy was lazy and didn't support his family, he told me, the Klan would pay a visit and encourage him to work in their special way. Oddly, the Nazis also persecuted men considered lazy or who were unable to support their family, and had a policy of sterilizing men who were chronic alcoholics or long-term "layabouts," as well as prostitutes.

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There's a funeral scene in "Huckleberry Finn" where there's a dog in the basement raising a racket.Huck tells how the undertaker slid around wthe all and out the door and after a brief pause a big whacking sound is heard followed by hyelps and then silence from below. The mortician returns and whispers "He had a rat."

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They only raped on Saturdays!

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One takeaway to think about: immigrant labor may help labor movements more than harm them. Yes, it increases competition for jobs. But immigrants also bring new energy to labor movements, new ideas, and are less easily diverted by preexisting notions of the American social compact. Perhaps Professor Loomis, who has forgotten more about the labor movement than I'll ever know, might spare an afternoon on a rough matchup between the flow of immigration and the successes of labor. I bet he would find correlations.

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The Tragedy of the Commons is perhaps the most famous "lesson" regarding the need for capitalism. Yet it was always an underlying assumption that the only way to conserve the Commons was to privatize it. Government management of rights to the Commons was also an option, but never really considered.

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The Republican Party has a hatred of immigration in it's very DNA. In the midst of war, the young Republican party was taken over by the capitalist wing, which liked cheap labor, but it was born from the joining of Know Nothings with Free Soilers and former Whigs. They have always had to deal with a virulent anti-immigration wing within their own ranks.

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Did it explode? If not, it was the right amount.

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He's a beautiful little guy. I'm sorry for your loss. I hope your memories of him bring you comfort.

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