My dad bought one new in 1976 and I just inherited it. All rusted out floorboard but it runs and the body is ok aside from the rust from leaks of being stored outside for 20 years in AZ. Trying to decide my next move. 🔥🐦 ❤️

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I'm sure he got jabbed when The Dotard did.

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The Republican party needs [REDACTED]. In the street, with votes, post-haste.

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Yeah, I read 1975 and thought "that's gotta be 1875," kept reading and then shit myself.

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We will then enter the age of the neutered worker."

So, that's where we are now. At least metaphorically speaking.

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Try Animal Crossing, it's easy enough that an over 50 yo can figure it out but as fun as unlimited legos.

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Hurray! Over the weekend, I snagged an appointment for Pfizer-BioNTech at the Oakland Coliseum for tomorrow morning, with the repeat stabbing for May 6th.

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This reminds me of the 2010 movie "Made in Dagenham." Excellent movie starring Sally Hawkins, Bob Hoskins, Rosamund Pike and Miranda Richardson. It is a dramatization of the 1968 strike at the Ford UK Dagenham car plant, where female workers walked out in protest against sexual discrimination. The women got absolutely zero support from their own union.

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Aw, c'mon, Bell - you know damned well that Cornyn is only politicking with his sponsorship. He would rather bit di anything honoring anything to do with emancipation, even if it was Texas finally acknowledging ut on June 19th, 1865 - two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation.

The only reason he's doing anything is he knows his sponsorship of the bill in the Senate won't pass - so if it's a safe bet that he will never have to face his base about it.

Bipartisanship has nothing to do with it. Phony politics does.

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we needed a Texan to carry it because it started here. he's also doing another one like this for electric grid winterization.

there's tons of these bipartisan bills. so shove your phony purity pony indignation up your ass. it's not helpful.

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I prefer to think my stance is more one of facing political reality,rather than "purity pony" - and definitely not some magic concept that will automatically make something right. We've seen what Republicans think "bipartisanship" means - they've re-defined it for themselves to mean "Agree with what our elected politicians want, never mind what the actual public wants", The word has become a shibboleth, a hammer with which to pound Democrats with regardless of it's meaning or worth.

It's like those 10 Republicans Senators calling themselves "moderates" - 'Taint necessarily so, just because they mouth the words.

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I prefer allowing for more than one circumstance to occur on different fucking bills BECAUSE THAT IS REALITY.

you can say, "no, we're not going to get bipartisanship on HR 1 so Joe Manchin can sit the fuck down!" while also acknowledging that there's a whole lot of other things that can be passed in a bipartisan manner.

but not you! because your stance is purity pony.

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"Romney might only be offering the $11 because he's sure Dems won't take it."

I agree with that - but "calling his bluff" doesn't mean taking his bill up and passing it - that only gives the other Republicans cover.

And giving conservatives ( I'm including Sinema in that ) cover by accepting this might give "Average Joe" a win - at the expense of another decade or so before Congress will take it up again.

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Who's talking about Joe Manchin? He's a Democrat, in case you've forgotten - even if he does decide to back HR1, the Republicans will still be screaming about the lack of "bipartisanship".

As long as the filibuster still requires the Democrats to get 10 Republican votes to pass any meaningful legislation ( hell, even meaningless bills ), your dream of >bipartisanship" will never come true - not unless the GOP goes throygh a sea change in their party.

You like that "purity pony" epithet entirely too much

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Gee, Bell - what ever happened to not being a dick to others?

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