So, just to be clear, if Hillary Clinton deems a Republican committee's investigation of Benghazeemails a "public spectacle," she doesn't have to attend.

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he looks like a headcheese with glasses. and some god-awful white fungus growing out of the top

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That’s a nice picture of Barr staring through prison bars. That should be a familiar look for him in the not too distant future.

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Worst attorney general in US history - Barr or John Mitchell?

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I'm about 9 hours into the Mueller Report and if lawmakers haven't read it.... well, maybe hearing it from the horse's mouth will educate them. It's pretty intense.

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And he just UN-recused himself from SDNY Epstein case.

This country is fucked

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He is an asshat.

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Prezactly. Who has a job that is 100% unmitigated joy and fun?

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And it's deja vu all over again.

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I'm an oldz and enjoy acting like I'm hard of hearing and speak my mind loudly in public.

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Barr:I was disappointed to see him subpoenaed because I don't think that serves any important purpose dragging Bob Mueller up, if he in fact is going to stick to the report.

Oh, Barr, you think Bob is going to lie about what's in Bob's report? Sounds like it and Fuck You.

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CAEP failed University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), not the whole system, and it appears that it was less a performance issue than that the department wasn't correctly collecting data on all of the metrics they were supposed to track. The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) has absorbed those UAA students so they will finish their degrees on schedule. Yes, as Rasilom points out, this is a function of years of budget cuts.

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They have no idea how they are going to deal with incomming students this fall

On the plus side, this conversation – even if the vetoes are overridden – will cause fall enrollment to tank, so there won't be as many pesky students to deal with! Much milder conversations about programs, even when the conclusion is that the program is great and needs full support, consistently result in enrollment drops. The effect of this will be broader and deeper.

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Watch the video on the Orantopus' cabinet:


I know, octopus libelz . . .

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