Actually, I'm mostly scando, with a touch of German, so even whiter. And rather ashamed.

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I think the cause and effect are reversed. They hate black men (including teens) because scary. Trayvon and Mike are avatars.

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He still grieves.

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We're running out of virgin chickens ....

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British steel workers are still celebrating

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OOps. Now I gotta clean up the sheets, you bastard!!

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Bojangles Robinson too. now there was a right respectful d*rky who knew how to not be a scary thug. Even danced with little white girls.

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I believe the documentary "The Human Centipede" explains how this works.

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<i>Think of the travel expenses!!!!!! </i>

No shit! We know it costs $1.2 million just for Obummer to look out the window, and $2.8 million every time he takes the dog for a walk around the White House grounds ($1.7 million of which is for the Marine guard which must follow behind him picking up the dog poop in their bare hands and putting it into the pockets of their dress uniforms). A trip to the U.K. for the Rusty Lady's funeral would have cost the U.S. taxpayers (that is, innocent corporations and billionaires) at least $14.7 billion, of which at least $560 million would be required for the C-5M that contains a complete 9-hole golf course, and $16.26 billion for the fleet of C-17s that would be required to transport, respectively: the chef; Malia's collection of Beyonce CDs; the dog (again); and 200 Guatemalan child small-pox carriers (because why not).

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<i>Is "unarmed teen" misleading? </i> I dunno, are you adding a layer of emotional bullshit crafted to enrage your shut-in angerblob audience, or trying use neutral words that don't?

Why so upset, FOX News? Did all those durned librals make the N-word abhorrent to use in polite society, as well as on your sewage-blast channel?

I'd suggest all FOX viewers go fuck themselves, but best insult is already happening to them: FOX viewers have to actually look at, and listen to Steev Doocey, and treat what comes out of his slack face-hole as if it had any value, like "words mean stuff!? Why?"

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dog was obviously hopped up on snausages!

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So far as I know. I've heard that Franco might be contemplating a comeback, though.

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Also, too, race relations were just fine in MLB until Jackie Robinson came along and divided everyone.

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It would indeed be irresponsible not to speculate.

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