One of my favorite YouTubers, "Physics Girl", got COVID last year and has been declining ever since. She is now in the throws of long COVID, and is deathly ill... as in she could die. She's a scientist, a PhD in physics. I hope she did not shun the jab. But I mean... if you can get that sick while vaccinated... Fuuuck. I've been jabbed 4 times, and I got C-19, after the 2nd or 3rd, that was like a really, really bad cold, with debilitating fatigue. I'm very pro-vax, but this is scary.
When I tested positive last summer, I had no symptoms other than two days of fatigue. That was so unusual for me that I tested, first with a rapid test, then with the fancy-shmancy test. Right after I tested, I went home, and stayed home for five days. All my clients are HIV positive, therefore immunocompromised, and I was not about to risk their lives just because I felt OK.
I was fully vaccinated and boosted. I got exposed by taking a client to a hospital Emergency Department. My mask had a filter, but it was nothing compared to the pandemic mask with which I travel -- medical grade silicon with a four ply replaceable filter. It hugs my face so well that my sunglasses do not fog. The strap broke, and I've been unable to replace it. Apparently, the company that makes it closed their customer service down. I just received the silicon tape with which I'll craft a replacement strap. I spent hours in the ER waiting room; that's how I got it.
imagine being so useless that you actually have to go after someone who went home sick with a serious virus. She is sick , so much for the moderate Republican
One of my favorite YouTubers, "Physics Girl", got COVID last year and has been declining ever since. She is now in the throws of long COVID, and is deathly ill... as in she could die. She's a scientist, a PhD in physics. I hope she did not shun the jab. But I mean... if you can get that sick while vaccinated... Fuuuck. I've been jabbed 4 times, and I got C-19, after the 2nd or 3rd, that was like a really, really bad cold, with debilitating fatigue. I'm very pro-vax, but this is scary.
Everyone, not just medical professionals, should adopt the Hippocratic Oath. But for MK and other 'wingers in can be shortened to "First STFU".
That was a thing of beauty.
To be fair, EVERYTHING is a tough concept for Megyn Kelly to grasp.
I'd call Megyn Kelly hot garbage, but I believe she's cold, cruel, canceled garbage.
When I tested positive last summer, I had no symptoms other than two days of fatigue. That was so unusual for me that I tested, first with a rapid test, then with the fancy-shmancy test. Right after I tested, I went home, and stayed home for five days. All my clients are HIV positive, therefore immunocompromised, and I was not about to risk their lives just because I felt OK.
I was fully vaccinated and boosted. I got exposed by taking a client to a hospital Emergency Department. My mask had a filter, but it was nothing compared to the pandemic mask with which I travel -- medical grade silicon with a four ply replaceable filter. It hugs my face so well that my sunglasses do not fog. The strap broke, and I've been unable to replace it. Apparently, the company that makes it closed their customer service down. I just received the silicon tape with which I'll craft a replacement strap. I spent hours in the ER waiting room; that's how I got it.
Yanked her kids from private school because of wokeism? Homeschool or public school with those other people, Meg?
imagine being so useless that you actually have to go after someone who went home sick with a serious virus. She is sick , so much for the moderate Republican
I’d say more sullen and baleful. Possibly thuggish
Depends. You been workin' on the railroad?
The poor souls of Portland are waiting breathlessly for Empty G's resolution declaring Antifa a terrorist organization.
All surnames!
No one has the heart to tell Megs that Cancel Culture is so last year.
Bet it still doesn't get her off the Naughty list.
I thought it was about state's rights.
I know all about them. I saw The Philadelphia Story.