Sadly, our current Conservative Prime Minister got rid of a gun registry which required long-gun owners to register their weapons and pay a small fee. It was felt to be unfair to innocent hunters and farmers to have to do this when they aren't the ones doing the killing. Yeah, because a guy has never gone nuts and shot his wife and kids with his rifle (he has).

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Amendments to the constitution are not within the President's powers, hence the ridicule of GOP candidates' various promises to "sign" amendments (they don't get to sign them).

So that particular petition, if it reaches 25,000 signatures, is not going to get a useful response, although it would at least serve to exhibit popular sentiment.

In terms of something that might conceivably stir action from the White House, there's <a href="https:\/\/petitions.whitehouse.gov\/petition\/immediately-address-issue-gun-control-through-introduction-legislation-congress\/2tgcXzQC" target="_blank">this</a> petition, among others.

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Statistics are probably the last thing to be talking about on a day like today, but the truth is despite the rash of spree killings, the total murder rate has actually been on a <a href="http:\/\/www.fbi.gov\/about-us\/cjis\/ucr\/crime-in-the-u.s\/2011\/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011\/tables\/table-1" target="_blank">sustained decline</a> for many years.

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Depends what you mean. If you mean a handgun ban, I don't see any chance that's going to happen, even though they are very much the <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/File:Ushomicidesbyweapon.svg" target="_blank">preferred weapon of murderers</a>.

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How about labor demonstrations in front of the state capitol building? That would be a great place for concealed firearms.

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I think I've figured out what Wayne Fuckhead LaPierre is afraid of: if the mentally ill aren't allowed to have guns, he'll have to give up his.

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Thanks, I'll do my best. No herb for me(can't inhale) but I'll use some tequila. And a big suck of a kitteh is purring up a storm and kneading my stomach. Take care, everybody.

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Yeah, the courts are scary. Almost enough to make one wonder if there's any chance of slipping anything into a particularly notorious black-robed homophobe's tea.,

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The voices in their heads are just that - in their heads.

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Yup, that one contains one of Wonkette's two least favorite words in the whole world, the thing that will be pulled until it goes click. My dash wasn't random, it was there to dodge the autodelete.

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I actually would lean towards liability law as a way to get started. for example: require people to be held liable for what is done with their gun, either by themselves or by someone who steals their gun. This would lead to insurance, and maybe even self-registration, mandating registration is always the fear of 2nd amendment absolutists. So if I have a gun and want to not be held liable, I register it with the cops or with Geico, who issues my gun insurance policy. And if I get convicted of something, or have a restraining order against me, somebody knows and takes precautions. It's a long hill to climb, but maybe that's a start.

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yup that's what i want. a bumper sticker that says 'the NRA: making it possible to kill 18 children the week before christmas".

actually, i think i'm going to make that bumper sticker.

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I agree, there's no way to start seizing guns, we don't have enough bullets to cover all the police standoffs that would start. What do you think of what I proposed, using liability law to encourage people to self-register. I know it won't reach dirtbags and many legal gun owners, but it's a start.

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as i said to mr fuflans when we first heard this: my response to that from now on is going to be 'why not? it seems a perfect day to discuss the death and destruction that guns bring."

i am so sick of this NOT being talked about.

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Yeah, I heard that shit overnight on BBC and thought what the fuck, then hear about this shooting today. The thing is, I don't think any of those Chinese kids died, so who's better off here?

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wow you think so? that would be a good piece of news from this unspeakable act.

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