Right back at you, pal. Stupidity like yours does nothing except to piss off the victims' loved ones, and I don't blame them one bit.

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How about his friend and co-president Dick Cheney? Does he qualify?

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I wouldn't call it semi-intelligent. Our ambassador plainly told Saddam to go ahead and invade Kuwait with our blessing. If she hadn't told him that, he would never have invaded.

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You must have taken the headline as an instruction manual. Do me a favor and fuck off, you racist asshole.

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Besides the few times I've seen it with my own eyes, my friends have been cursed and hassled many times. They were terrified in pocatello.

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Shortly after 9/11 a Latino was stalked and murdered in his driveway in Southern CA. His murderer killed him because he mistskenly believed he was Muslim.

My female Muslim friend has been ridiculed by her fellow grad students at a DC university.

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Even though you are future deletia, I am still compelled to call you human trash. Weird.

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Oh honey, you're on the wrong website. Again. Contrary to what your boozey broken brain believes - your comments are not intelligent, persuasive, nor provocative.

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You're not very bright. It's painful reading your lame attempts at sounding intelligent and informed. You really do not know what you're talking about. You should either shut your siphyllatic suck hole. Or make comments on a website that'll appreciate your vile spewings.

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I somewhat agree with you.I was also shocked so few Americans were outraged by U.S. "accidentally" bombing a Drs W/O Borders hospital in Afghanistan. Imagine if it had been another nation? There wasn't much of a response this year when terrorists killed innocent people at a museum in Tunisia. Or more recently when holiday goers were randomly killed at Egyptian seaside resort. In all these attacks, victims are different ethnicities, nationalities, and religions. So I'm not sure the lack of public outcry is due to whiteness or Christiandom. More Americans have visited or lived in France than the other terrorist attack locations. Most of us have more of a connection with France, England, Spain and when these nations are attacked American reaction is stronger.

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I can't help but feel your anger is misdirected at me. Surely ISIS bears some responsibility for what is happening. If they're being hit with air strikes tonight, ils l'ont bien cherché. They're the ones who indiscriminately slaughtered the worshippers in Beirut you've been guilt-flogging us with, as well as the students, tourists football fans and concert goers in Paris you apparently think I care too much about. Do you think they'll stay at home blowing up pagan ruins, beheading the occasional infidel and quietly raping little girls if we just leave them alone?

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Could we keep the personal acrimony to a minimum, please? It's hardly blaming everyone and everything else to note the context and political climate that contribute to radicalization.

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And a yellow card to you, too, Mr. Diaz -- please have a little fucking decency toward other goddamned commenters, if you don't mind.


Or if necessary, the Honey Boo-Boo .gifs

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Yeah the whole concept of race categories I find repulsive. Although it's interesting to see how it's different from place to place. I've often felt that technology has placed an unreasonable burden on we humans. We used to be aware of a few tragedies and injustices. But now we learn about horrors all around the world. I'm a very tolerant compassionate thoughtful person but this year began having symptoms of PTSD. At least 3 times/week I hear or read news stories which bring me to tears. I feel helpless, lost, and disgusted with humanity.

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Meditation can be likened to prayer. Your not praying/meditating to an external being. It's positive thinking. It's using one's imagination to create a mood within. In times of stress or tragedy, meditating positive thoughts about a loved one is a form of support. Or meditating on a personal situation is a way to find creative solutions to a challenging situation.

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