The original Chuck E. Cheese in San Jose was actually pretty amazing. After Nolan sold out to Pepsi, or whatever corporation it was, the franchise operations were necessarily on a smaller scale, and not nearly so entertaining (for the adults).

Unlike, say, a McDonalds play room, however, they did serve beer.

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I think you're onto something - replace Wayne of LaPierre with a blah male and blammo! Instant passage of any gun control law Nancy Pelosi could scrawl on a legal pad and place in Boehner's hopper.

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What the hell is a Peter Piper? Is that the guy who led the town's children away by giving them sweet peppers?

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I used to think they only blighted the SoCal of my youth, but apparently they bought out Showbiz Pizza and wrought (wreaked??) havoc across the land since then.

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<i> Chuck E. Cheese, a chain of pizzerias and arcade play spaces often used to host kids birthday parties, has become a hot spot for violent brawls between the adults. Multiple fights have broken out at locations across the country, many captured on cell phone videos then posted on YouTube. These incidents have shined an unusual spotlight on this family-friendly restaurant chain that has been around since 1977.


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i got held up that one time in hyde park (chicago) back somewhere in the 90's (?). i screamed lustily -dude was grabbing my absolutely empty purse (entitled white girl!) - had a brief moment of eye contact and this absolutely beautiful baby ran away from me.

this being chicago, he's probably dead now.

chi is seriously making me sad this year.

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This is one of those rare examples of a gun doing the owner some good!

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I think the NRA's fashion sense runs to camo, camo, and .... oh yeah, camo.

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Rat Scratch Fever?

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Probably not so much fun if Rutger Hauer just put out your eyes though.

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I've always called it Up-chucky Cheese.

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<i>Blade Runner?</i> The NRA's perfect world looks more like<i> Mad Max</i>.

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And afeared for her life. That would have turned out well.

(Stand your ground beef!)

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the great white buffalo chip

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<a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=3VwrCZa3aKo&amp\;noredirect=1" target="_blank">Bazinga!</a>

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"Bad manners and a lack of common sense" have been a teabagger problem from day 1. Apparently, it was contagious.

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