Wait, the gubbmint of the state of SOUTH CAROLINA thinks this guy is too wingnutty? Is that even possible?

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maybe he can get Rand Paul to start an alternate licensing board for him

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<i>Recently Todd went totally silent on the Twitter machine, </i>

Folks, just so you know, I'm taking a break from Twitter too................................................ Okay, I'm back.

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It must be all those South Carolina liberals trying to keep him down.

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O, I'm sure he's BILLED for a million. . . .

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Oh good, they can add filing bullshit suits to the list of complaints against him ;)

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What, both of them?

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Oh look, he's representing himself. How's that thing about "fool for a client" go again?

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He's hoping for a mistrial due to incompetent counsel?

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Reprehesible bag of weasel dicks that he is, are there words for being beyond digusted with him?

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