Make America Urinate Again!

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Ha. Ha. So Funny. So frightfully witty. It is as if Oscar Wilde has been reborn. And I wouldn't lean overmuch on the whole god made them like that argument. After all he made you which isn't really a point in god's favor.

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Indeed. Then you face the backfire effect causing these same people to reject the debunking to embrace the original lie as "true."

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Why don't any of these "journalists" ever ask these nitwits how many encounters they, or anyone they know, have had with trans people in the restrooms of America.In my 50+ years I can count on my not tiny fingers how many I have recognized as such ANYWHERE,and not once in the restroom.UUUUUGE problem.

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Dear Jesus,Any time you want to rapture your idiotic faithful, the world will be VERY HAPPY. Please.Regards,EarthDear Obama,Where are those FEMA camps? We were explicitly promised FEMA camps. In retrospect, they are actually a good idea.Hugs and Kisses,Jen

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I think it is infinitely more probable that I, as a biological female though not into girly things, will be stopped and asked for my gender papers before a transgendered woman, who usually are super pretty and western-traditionally feminine (or, the few who I have known are both very pretty and very feminine in the western traditional).I should test this out, and then file a big assed law suit for pain and suffering.

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He just needs someone to give him a taste of the old 'trickle down' theory.

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Your religion seems to make you obsessed with bodily functions.

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The KJV Bible has a lot of that salty English Jacobean language. Check out the Rabshakeh's speech to the besieged in Jerusalem, talking about drinking piss and eating shit.

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Is that a yellow hanky he has stuffed into his suit breast pocket?

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You and every replier under you get uuuuuups for beautifully horrible puns, or what my kids can a Dad joke.

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I know there's a joke here - Transubstantiation.

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Sounds too close to 'Close your eyes and try and enjoy it' that we've heard elsewhere.

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“We in federal law enforcement have been drilling for several years to control riots and uprisings from a coming financial collapse and widespread bank failures,” the phony letter claims. “The drills involve life-sized images of American men, even women and children, whom we are told to shoot for ‘practice and to ‘get used to it.'”

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We get a choice then. Do we want to blame pervey Dad's or pervy toddlers?

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Let's be honest: Todd Starnes is afraid of his wife seeing a peener in the restroom and realizing that whatever it is Todd has down there is woefully inadequate.

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