I really like his macrame owl.

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Did he offer any solutions for getting us out of two wars, bringing some control onto banks or jobs? Nope, that's too fucking complicated. Instead he railed on the President.

Dumb Okie fuck. I love how these hypocrits who have health care and a retirement for life continue to babble about health care and Social Security.

Maybe him and Imhoff can go fly into U.S. Army Ammunition Plant in McClester

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Dibs! I shall be called Sen. Doppelgänger. but I'm not fucking setting foot in OK.

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Fuck the gun, this man shouldn't be near anything sharper than a stick of butter. WARM butter.

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Amazing how white people on welfare outnumber the blacks.

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i can't read any more wingnut news from the heartland.

i miss lauri apple.

that is all.

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A government program that helped a man who would become President of the United States. Shouldn't be we be proud and happy at that success?

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It is kinda easy being white. Shop without being followed, drive without being pulled over, people assume you really are qualified for your job. Can't rap though.

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<i>“As an African American male, coming through the progress of everything [Barack Obama] experienced, he got tremendous benefit through a lot of these programs. So he believes in them. I just don’t believe they work overall and in the long run they don’t help our country.“</i>

Shorter Coburn: <b>If it doesn't help white people, it's bad.</b>

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<i>“The first question I have for you is if you look in the Constitution, where is it the federal government’s role to [provide Medicare]? That’s number one. Number two is the way I was brought up [medical care for the elderly is] a family responsibility, not a government responsibility.”</i>

Oklahoma being Oklahoma, even with 13% of their population over 65, I doubt that Coburn being against Medicare will hurt his re-election chances.

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