Except this asshole is out on bail.

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Delay: <i>...we spent five years providing alternatives to everything the Democrats were doing: alternative bills, alternative amendments, alternative press releases....</i> Alternative reality. Vince Foster being murdered by Hilz. Good times.

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you know what's really gross? they'd vote for him again in a heartbeat.

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Or maybe the "Violence Against Violence Against Women Act".

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He - <i>he</i> - used the word "deviance," and the moral guardians who were listening didn't laugh him off the conference call...

Corruption is Normalcy.

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Can't talk - I'm pretty busy cramming for the final.

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When he was in the Texas lege he was known as 'Hot Tub Tom'. But then he found Jeebus and the money that can come from finding Jeebus.

When ever he began to address his fellow Texas congressman many would shout "DE-lay, DE-lay"!

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Oh Toooooommmmmmmmmmmyyyyyy... There <em>was</em> a GOP alternative to the VAWA renewal. It said "fuck you" to gays and Native Americans. Speaker Boehner brought it up for a vote. It lost. Like you did in court.

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