A jury in Texas (a pile of guns behind the prosecutin' headquarters) has found Tom Guilty delay of conspiracy and money laundering. Sorry, has found Tom DeLay guilty of conspiracy and money laundering .
Texas is actually #1 for prison sexual abuse by guards and by inmates. One of the prisons there is approaching 20% of inmates reporting rape. Something like 50% of children in Juvenile Detention there are abused, including many with mental health issues that go completely untreated. Texas has 1000 children under the age of 12 in detention, with 70% of them being former foster care kids. The recidivism rate for juvenille sexual offenders is also #1, according to a case I saw filed by the ACLU they like to go back to jail so they rape without virtually any penalty. <a href="http://www.chron.com/disp/s..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/...">http://www.chron.com/disp/s...
I was on the train cross country when we picked up some Texans, a nice gay couple in their 60&#039;s who I had been talking to held hands and gazed out the window when the 3 of them descended on them with calls of &quot;Queer,&quot; &quot;Faggot&quot; and &#039;You are going to die in hell and I&#039;ll so enjoy it&#039; Hours later they were wasted on Natty Ice half naked trying to pick up chicks and ended up messing with the wrong dude because we had to stop the train for hours and wait on 2 ambulances in Barstow and for people to give police reports.
I heard from the conductor later the next day that they tried their queer bashing routine on a Marine, that apparently did not end well for them.
Bristol lost DWTS last night. Delay lost his court case today, and lost DWTS a year ago. Is this America giving the middle finger to Repubicans? (props to Bristol for setting the tone!)
&ldquo;I praise the Lord for what&rsquo;s going on,&rdquo; he told reporters outside the courtroom a few moments later. &ldquo;I&rsquo;m not going to blame anybody.&rdquo; He called the prosecution an &ldquo;abuse of power&rdquo; and a &ldquo;miscarriage of justice.&rdquo; He complained that the &ldquo;criminalization of politics undermines our system.&rdquo; &ldquo;I&rsquo;m very disappointed,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;It is what it is. Maybe we can get it before people who understand the law.&rdquo;
Under Sharia law, punishments fit the crime. Pickpockets get a hand cut off (first offense, anyway). So a money launderer should be left penniless, and without laundry, I guess. Until they find out he was an exterminator.
It they are republicans, they also go through the &quot;Spin Cycle,&quot; on Fox News.
Texas is actually #1 for prison sexual abuse by guards and by inmates. One of the prisons there is approaching 20% of inmates reporting rape. Something like 50% of children in Juvenile Detention there are abused, including many with mental health issues that go completely untreated. Texas has 1000 children under the age of 12 in detention, with 70% of them being former foster care kids. The recidivism rate for juvenille sexual offenders is also #1, according to a case I saw filed by the ACLU they like to go back to jail so they rape without virtually any penalty. <a href="http://www.chron.com/disp/s..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/...">http://www.chron.com/disp/s...
Not if he wants to stay in Texas, all of the prisons in Texas have horrible problems, even the federal ones.
Dammit now I can&#039;t get the detachable penis song out of my head, you bastard! <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watc..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byDiILrNbM4">http://www.youtube.com/watc...
I was on the train cross country when we picked up some Texans, a nice gay couple in their 60&#039;s who I had been talking to held hands and gazed out the window when the 3 of them descended on them with calls of &quot;Queer,&quot; &quot;Faggot&quot; and &#039;You are going to die in hell and I&#039;ll so enjoy it&#039; Hours later they were wasted on Natty Ice half naked trying to pick up chicks and ended up messing with the wrong dude because we had to stop the train for hours and wait on 2 ambulances in Barstow and for people to give police reports.
I heard from the conductor later the next day that they tried their queer bashing routine on a Marine, that apparently did not end well for them.
If the top of his head is flat it&#039;ll be just the right height for resting those prison drinks while he performs his prison duties.
Score: Gavel 1, Hammer 0
Bristol lost DWTS last night. Delay lost his court case today, and lost DWTS a year ago. Is this America giving the middle finger to Repubicans? (props to Bristol for setting the tone!)
He&#039;ll get all the probation a man could want, in prison.
&ldquo;I praise the Lord for what&rsquo;s going on,&rdquo; he told reporters outside the courtroom a few moments later. &ldquo;I&rsquo;m not going to blame anybody.&rdquo; He called the prosecution an &ldquo;abuse of power&rdquo; and a &ldquo;miscarriage of justice.&rdquo; He complained that the &ldquo;criminalization of politics undermines our system.&rdquo; &ldquo;I&rsquo;m very disappointed,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;It is what it is. Maybe we can get it before people who understand the law.&rdquo;
Under Sharia law, punishments fit the crime. Pickpockets get a hand cut off (first offense, anyway). So a money launderer should be left penniless, and without laundry, I guess. Until they find out he was an exterminator.
bug man!
Da Hamma In Da Slamma!!!
&#039;Nuff sed.
I always thought that line was &quot;Hold me closer, Tony Danza.&quot;
Except this was a state court, so it would be up to Rick Perry to pardon him. Which wouldn&#039;t surprise me at all.