So you missed him on the 2009 season of Dancin' with the Stars? Seriously, you can't even make this shit up.

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Ahem, Lincoln (R - Illinois) ... am I missing something here? If so, my bad.

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FFS. Tom Delay and Orly Taitz exhumed in the same freaking week? There's not enough alcohol on the planet to take away the pain.

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He does all of that when He's not busy deciding the outcome of football games.

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Ot, <a href="http:\/\/www.sadtrombone.com\/\?play=true" target="_blank">for all my American friends...</a>

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Don't forget the time he was on Hardball and said he thought Obama ought to show his gift certificate.

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Hm, I would have gone with Chemicals, but you learn sumthin' every day.

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He did. He just told different answers to different people. Quite the prankster, that God.

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Well, let me begin, then...

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He was off making the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.

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He's probably angling for a teevee evangelist gig. You can raise tub-loads of money tax-free, write off huge expenses, and probably get laid by the starry-eyed young ladies who love the Lord.

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<i>You meant that you are actually a complete charlatan who is angling for a sinecure somewhere nice</i>

You will know them by their fruits.

And nuts.

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Good news for surgeons and mohels, though!

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