'He should be banned from any more debates political runs.'


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We might as well just toss 'em all in jail now and fill out the charge sheets later. Maybe then we can get caught up.

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The former employee. My biggest fear when I was an IT guru. Companies would pay big money for my advice, ignore it, then scream and pout when they had to pay us to clean up.

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Oh, look at her, walking through the terminal like a common distraction. Next she'll be trotting out her UN headlights.

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>This was the last time he'd ever make such a hyperbolic statement. https://media2.giphy.com/me...

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If a white guy had the second amount of money on hand, major on the ground operations, and a strong showing in SC no one would be writing him off.

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Steyer had done good work fighting for the environment and promoting the Paris Agreement via NextGen Climate Action, for at least 5 years. Since running for office, tho, not so much.

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I want her as attorney general.

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I don't know who this "Tom Steyer" is, and I don't care to find out!

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yep Tom and Bernie need to go!

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Right? I always thought his millions would be better spent trashing the GOP up and down the country, pointing out how they've been fucking over working people and the environment we all depend on for decades and kicking the poor and marginalized while pretending to care about "Christian values".

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I'll just bet that Tom REALLY has his eye on becoming the Gov. of CA someday.

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FYI: Bloomberg financed push back ads against the tobacco companies here in San Francisco that wanted Prop. C (a vaping prop.).They worked.Prop. C lost.

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Piers has trouble understanding the concept of anything other than male and female and chooses to express his ignorance by mocking. I love how this young person turns it around on him.

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