The elected government isn't doing exactly what he thinks the should. So he's throwing an egomaniacal tantrum. And while we may see his election chances are non-existent, he himself is seeing his election chances through a very egotistical entitled billionaire lens (but is HE really a billionaire?).

He thinks the govt should jump when he does a few impeachment TV spots. Some people gave him warm fuzzies for that effort, but 45 is still not impeached. How dare they defy him! He'll just go be President/ buy Presidencyand get that all sorted. I think the ads were a good thing - huild public awareness and erode 45's support. But this guy's ego is out of whack.

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So edgy

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Executive bucket list.

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For some reason I read that in DMX's voice like in X Gon Give it to Ya, which is a great song to have on in the background when playing the Resident Evil 2 remake... for reasons.

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Extra fun: Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang are skipping the LGBT townhall in October. Given how LGBT rights are under siege right now, curious to know the reason why?

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Steyer needs to go find some sand to pound.

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Or the other corporate rich white guy, Mr. Starbucks.

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Set up a "foundation", the main purpose of which seems to have been to pay large salaries to family members. That's REAL socialism.

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Fortunately, there are far fewer of the deluded this time around.

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'Mulching is a process of inbred fertilization which employs certain decomposed organic materials--including but not limited to animal sediment--to blanket an area in which vegetation is desired. The procedure enriches the soil for the stimulated plant's development while, at the same time, preventing erosion and decreasing the evaporation of moisture from the ground.'

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Wasn't it always?

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Retire. That's what I did. I'm much easier to get along with now. Not to say pleasant.

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Hear, hear!

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From your lips to God's ear. But I doubt it.

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Yeah and it makes me wonder where exactly that money for that gross salary came from, because if it was small donors, I'm pretty sure none of them were doing that to give Sanders' kid a cushy lifestyle that they probably bitch about the "handouts" Chelsey Clinton may or may not have had.

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I simply do not trust the super rich.

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