Doesn't matter, because it's not a debate. It's a test of how well he can memorize and spit out canned mini-speeches. Note how often his canned "answers" fail to answer the actual question asked. When blindsided, he'll blurt out something like "What we <u>really</u> need to be talking about is something something something I've memorized."

Reagan was a master at putting together great-sounding empty sentences, which drove my father nuts: "What the hell is he saying?" [Applause from audience.] "But he didn't SAY anything!!" [Throws hands in the air, sits down sputtering and muttering.]

Palin doesn't have nearly enough brainpower to master these particular arts. Worse, she can't hold a thought in her head for the length of time needed to construct a complete sentence, nor does she have the sense to stop running her mouth while attempting to do so. You can see the panic in her eyes during the Couric interview, when she realizes her brain is trailing her mouth by at least one lap of the track.

For what it's worth, Obama can speak extemporaneously, with clarity and logic. Too bad so few voters are capable of seeing the difference.

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Hell, I'd have a hard time keeping my drinks down. (Getting anything UP is "not on the table", as Boner so appropriately puts it.)

I say fuck 'em all. Besides, the Red Sox are playing, too, also.

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Hoo! Ain't enough upfists in the warehouse for that one... they're gonna be back-ordered for at least a week!

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=8ZvugebaT6Q" target="_blank">This might be the assembly you're thinking of</a>.

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Faux News ranks this just below the Super Bowl, so that's a sure bet. I suggest you avoid the nauseating before and after commentary, especially if you're going to be drinking.

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You also need a little spit-polish on those corn dogs, according to Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann.

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They all suck, hard... so being alarmed is not an incorrect response.

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Aren't the Repubicans afraid some of Reagan's liberalism will rub off on them? He raised taxes (many times), negotiated with terrorists, gave weapons to the Taliban, signed law legalizing abortion (in CA). He "cut and run" in Beirut. Attacked Libya but didn't finish the job. A flip-flopper, he was a Demoncrat until age 50, then switched parties and ran for governor of CA.

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You're a braver woman than I, Kirsten Din.

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His aides are already doing some fire fighting; from Politico:<b> Aide says Dem Perry still voted Reagan Perry wasn't actually Gore's chair </b>

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