<i>"Camp was nominated to the court by President Ronald Reagan in 1987</i>

A Repubican judge using hookers & blow. This is a real "dog bites man" kinda story.

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I thought Atlanta was home to those lyin' Atlanta newspapers. And commies. And folks who were not as dedicated to the Confederacy as the folks in south Georgia. And, well, strippers. Plus there's Euclid Ave. And now I see there is even more.

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I think there is also Savannah, which is just kind of odd, and then there is Soviet Athens and all them commie perfessers. And pinkos.

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Man, that is near the gay epicenter of atlanta, their biscuits actually cook in their own flames. You were lucky to escape without being same-sex raped! I make sure to duct tape my ass shut when I eat at that flying biscuit, just to be safe.

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in the arts there's this whole, you know, OTHER meaning of camp.

but i guess that doesn't apply here as the irony takes over.

also: newt connection / likely wronged wife.


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Hipsters and idiots, you could simplify that to idiots.

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Yeah, I lived next door to a bar that had rentboys and half the customers were conservative DAs from the county over. Nothing quite like going to bed at night listening to an old man getting blown in the back of a BMW.

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Thank the American Army, the Taliban was trying to ween itself and its massive addict population off heroin and now since the warlords who were running the opium show are now in charge of the country we have seen a 10x increase in exports.


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This man should be president. He sounds more liberal than Obama.

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Some kid got 5 years on a burglary charge because he used Google maps showing "sophistication". The law was intended for people who used lockpicks because if you use a crowbar on a random house you only get 6 months.

I'm honestly less afraid of people who attempt to steal when I'm not home than some idiot breaking my door down at 3 am with a blunt instrument.

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