Only 6%. It's cool.

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I'm a '64 baby and I endorse this message. I will then pass it along, so as not to be accused of Bogarting.

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60% for legalization, 34% against. Polls rarely add up to 100%, because some refuse to answer and others don't know.

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As someone who has not been able to smoke in 13 months (job hunting), I can say definitively that cannabis has ZERO to do with addictive drugs. I'm grateful that I don't "need" weed for a medical condition; those who do should have unfettered access to it, without worry that they can be refused hiring or lose a job over it.

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OT, but I love the avatar!

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Well played

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IKR? Pass the bong. With votes.

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It looks like sparky is simply looking for another means to target non-white people.......because all the suppliers of the demon weed are from south of the border.... i.e.: "to combat the transnational drug organizations and dangerous drug traffickers"

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You lost the audience that doesn't read Wonkette with "thriving middle class in Mexico."

These words belong together!

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So the most ridiculous part of my misunderstanding is that I misinterpreted it as "between 60 and 34". Like if you were saying how many people were estimated to be at a picnic and you said "10 to 20". I r dumb.

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I would suggest ordering a pizza.

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Smoke two joints AFTER the test.

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FWIW, two months after getting my NM cannabis card, I no longer need oxycodone, hydrocodone, or even Tramadol for my chronic sciatic, osteoarthritic or neuropathic pain problems.

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No one smokes Mexican ditch weed any more. Not even in border towns.

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It's the constantly shifting gaze that gets me. It's the primary "tell" of a compulsive liar.

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