... Reagan joins them for a three-way... ("call me Dutch")

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"Why do we call this day "Good Friday"? Because that's when Jesus, our Lord and Saviour was put to death, in a brutal fashion. And that was a good day? Well, it was Friday."

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Not with his whole "feeding the hungry, helping the poor, healing the sick, not being judgmental" schtick he had going for him. Why, that's just long-haired, hippie nonsense, and it's probably so-shul-ist to boot!

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If Vitter could survive diapers AND prostitutes, David should be able to breeze through this one.

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If he joins my Church of Hedonism, the congregation would believe him at least.

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Ah, yes... my most favourite part of the Catholic/Christian dogma... just say "I'm sorry, please forgive me" to an imaginary sky-daddy, and whamo-bingo-bango, it's done. This premise is very popular with criminals up for parole - "I found God" is often played as a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card. And sometimes it actually works.

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That's the wrong bunny for Easter.

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It mainly made the news in that the whole French media were amazed that the US Americans thought it was a big thing. "Yes, DSK is a terrible skirt-chaser. So what?"

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Jeez, you eat ONE bean burrito...

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He'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a handjob today?

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Wihby, 62, was one of 10 men arrested while responding to online advertisements from women, Nashua police said Sunday. Damned Boomers, clinging to their mid-life crises like they were still 40-year olds ...

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Jesus is still pissed we call the worst day of his life "Good" Friday. That's the main reason he hasn't come back. Plus he doesn't want to accidentally run into Bryan Fischer, Pat Robertson and Rick Santorum.

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Now THAT is a fappable comment. If it existed, anyway.

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For people into 'family values' they sure are against the actual mechanisms used to make families...

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Vice Chair Meets Vice Squad

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Why? It isn't like they'd recognise Him.

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