I would unpave roads in Sim City when things got tough. I never made any kind of violence legal though.

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If not repaving roads that need it is a money-saver, Pennsylvania would be the Billionaire State.

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Kansas Wife Beating. Coming to ESPN this fall! Are you ready for some smackin'!!!!!!

Jesbus, that is just not funny.

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iRonic... Westboro Baptist Church uses iPhone to announce protest at Steve Jobs’s funeral <a href="http:\/\/www.washingtonpost.com\/blogs\/under-god\/post\/westboro-baptist-church-uses-iphone-to-announce-steve-jobs-funeral-protest\/2011\/10\/06\/gIQAJqBjPL_blog.html" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/under-god/pos...">http://www.washingtonpost.c...

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Yeah, I had one x do a police style pit maneuver on my car when I broke up with her and she saw me with the new chick. I still got back with her later, water under the bridge, u know. Plus, she did things, let's leave it at that.

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But they can kiss their Rhianna concert goodbye! Look at me now, hoe.. Indeed

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They mean letting roads that need to be paved deteriorate, then grind them down into gravel.

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Alright, ladies of Topeka, time to stock up on cast iron frying pans! I'm particularly talking to you, wives and girlfriends of male city legislators. It's on, motherfuckers.

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I'm not sure how domestic violence qualifies as a misdemeanor in the first place...

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