Violence is one of our few areas of domestic growth. It's far and away our top export, too. About time the law got out of the way and let it flourish.

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Oh, yeah, child abuse is fine. Just not fetus abuse.

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So if I understand what you’re saying we could wife-beat our way out of this recession. Pure evil genius.

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Dual purpose: they can be swung at the head WWF style.

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I return to my previous statement on this issue: Ladies of Topeka, stock up on cast iron frying pans! In particular, the wives and girlfriends of male city legislators. It's open season.

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Hey, lighten up. Domestic violence is a laff riot. Remember the good old days of "The Honeymooners" where Ralph threatened to beat his wife at least 3 times a show?

"To the moon, Alice".

Good times.

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Second Amendment remedies!

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