I know I'm way late, but "douchebarge"? I'll be chortling all weekend, Jabba the Hut style!

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If he thinks he gets to keep his job, then he REALLY IS smoking crack.

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Rob Ford could do some of the most convincing anti-crack PSAs ever. "Look, kids. Do you want to end up like <i>this</i>?"

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<i>he has “no reason to resign,”</i>

Not fitting through your office doorway might be a good one. Jeezus dude. Eat a salad once in a while.

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<i>We can hardly wait until the movie of this gets made.</i>

"I Was a Teenage <strike>Werewolf</strike> Warehouse"

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Tabaco!!!!!11! To the Death Panels with him.

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I know, eh? So not only addicted and dishonest, but stoopid beyond belief. Yet a Toronto-area forum I'm on has people who are completely defending him because he's cut spending. Full-stop, only reason they support him.

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Maybe he chases the crack with an ice-cold Ensure.

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Here's an even better (if possible) <a href="http:\/\/www.thestar.com\/news\/city_hall\/2013\/10\/31\/under_surveillance_rob_ford_seen_urinating_in_public_dumping_liquor_bottles_after_lisi_meetings.html" target="_blank">Ford story</a> . Ford literally pissing on Toronto.

I'm really glad that I moved out of that city in 1983.

Ooops- almost forgot <a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.ca\/2013\/11\/01\/rob-ford-radio-am-640_n_4189458.html\?utm_hp_ref=canada&amp\;utm_hp_ref=canada" target="_blank">this beauty</a> .

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This is all part of a giant right-wing melt-down going on in Canada right now, which is making it particularly pleasant to be a Liberal. Federally, <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=kGdGQzGoKJc" target="_blank">Rob Ford's fishing buddy</a> , our Dear Leader Stephen Harper, is dealing with a shitstorm over three of his less savoury appointees to the Senate, especially Mike Duffy, who is a piece of work all in his own right, but who has squealed like a pig when threatened with being thrown under Harper's bus. It is all VERY satisfying!

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Shit. I hadn't been paying attention to the Make You Laffs. Oh well, they'll manage to slip into the cellar by spring. Go Habs!

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=L5GTTH2zXY8" target="_blank">He's not always so polite to reporters.</a> Mary Walsh is wonderful on the subject of Ford. Who am I kidding, she is ALWAYS wonderful!

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OK - I'll go first - Did the bitch set him up?

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Sadly, it could happen. Many people in the GTA support him rabidly because HE CUT SPENDING!!. I even read a conspiracy theory on a forum last night about photoshopping his face into the video. And someone asking if the video had been deleted on the computer, how could a person be held responsible for possessing it?

There are some very stupid people in this country.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.ctvnews.ca\/politics\/fraud-case-against-former-montreal-mayor-postponed-until-december-1.1490346" target="_blank">Oh really?</a>

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Wow, pardon me. For the record, I was born in Montreal and my husband is Franco-Ontarian. And if you think that on a site dedicated to snark that I am going to ignore the fact that a mayor who, when he came to office a year ago pledged to stamp out corruption, was within 6 months himself hit with 14 corruption charges, you are sadly mistaken. (and he's not even French, so what's your point?)

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