Agreed. I’m just thinking of cases like this one:



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Qualified immunity: ignorance of the law is no excuse ... unless you're a cop.

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Needs moar scribblz

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Forget roses. If you or your car is hit by police, you (or your surviving relatives if you end up dead in the "accident") have zero recourse. I had a friend whose car was totaled when a police car ran a red light at high speed and another friend killed by police chasing a drunk driver.

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I know that this is unpopular, but Im getting a sneaking suspicision that some of the Trump picks actually are not fascists, just very very conservative law-wonks. So we may get some insane abortion rules, but we may get some surprising rulings on individual liberty vs. cops.

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The law is very weird. But police are not looking good.

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She's dancing. It is amazing.

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When they opened the vax site in federal Way, I was able to get a next day appointment - that may have been pure luck.

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IANAL, as I have said many times, so can someone explain to me why “not being shot at when you haven’t committed a crime” isn’t a clearly established civil right?

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also and watch for that red streak easing its way to your heart

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Eh, I don’t see how Kegs or the guy occupying Merrick Garland’s seat deserve a cookie for occasionally not sucking as hard as they could.

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It would be interesting to see an interview with her- how she preps for the event and what's going on during the live session. I never really thought of it from that perspective before.

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Plus, please explain why letting union organizers onto a farm may be a "taking of property", letting the police deposit bullets into your body is apparently not a "taking."

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Good thing they didn't charge her with stealing their bullets!

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Stormtroopers have always had piss=poor aim, everyone knows that.

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Either one will do. Clarence and the missus make a good pair of bookends, from the troglodytic political point of view.

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