mr. west, a joe walsh is on line 2.

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I'd buy that, except that i think most of them have no reflections.

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Of course, Hannity is also certain that waterboarding is not torture, but somehow he's never gone through with the demonstration he once promised.

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Art. 32 hearing. Saved his enlisted guys the trouble.

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Wait a minute, the only impartial judges are straight white males...

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More like Yeast Infection.

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His job, which if he had kept it, would probably have ended him with no retirement to fall back on when the rest of America who haven't met him realize he's completely unemployable and possibly psychotic.

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"My dick was blown off!"

"...in Hannity's Green room. BUT STILL!"

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Mr. West <i>should</i> get a Purple Heart. He is demonstrating the courage to launch a violent personal attack on a female amputee war hero - - something most politicians would shrink from doing, because they are wimps.

At least, this is how GOPpers see it. It was grossly unfair for the Dems to run a candidate for whom voters would feel profound gratitude and respect. Only someone no longer in office has the freespeechdom to mount a slander campaign against such an invidividual.

And hey, it worked on Max Cleland, who later reported being utterly devastated by the experience, which sent him into a deep depression. So it was win-win.

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I suppose that shooting his mouth off is tame compared to his previous shooting incidents.

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Taint that close.

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Can you retroactively give someone a Dishonorable Discharge? He proves over and over again that deserved one.

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<i>But seriously, folks...</i>? <i>There goes the neighborhood</i>? <i>The smoker you drink, the player you get</i>?

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Can you retroactively give someone a Dishonorable Discharge? He proves over and over again that he <strike>deserved</strike> <b>is</b> one.


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Well, that's nice. Let's get a disgraced, drummed-out-of-the-military, voted out of Congress loose-cannon jackhole to go and pass judgment on what? Oh y'know, nothing much, just <i>someone else's patriotism</i>

Which is a dickless move for someone to do to anyone. So who'd he do it to? Oh, nobody special, just someone <i>currently elected to Congress.</i> Oh, and who also sort of kind of <i>was wounded in combat,</i> sort of kind of <i>in service to her country at the time.</i>

You know, someone that only the lowest scumbag in the world could even begin to think that a question of their patriotism could even be raised, strictly in the name partisan hackery.

That's some quality work there, Sean Hannity!

Keep up the great work making everything you apparently stand for look as repulsive as fucking possible.

THANK YOU, HANNITY, FOR YOUR SERVICE to constantly illuminating these so-called patriots as the diseased shitgoblins you really are! *Twenty-one James O'Keefe dildo salute*

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Try to buy a prop motorcycle with decency.

<a href="http:\/\/www.politifact.com\/florida\/statements\/2012\/apr\/11\/allen-west\/allen-west-says-about-80-house-democrats-are-membe\/" target="_blank">Commies in the House</a> shall not be tolerated.

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