fortunately, nobody I know is outraged so I don't have to hear it up close and personal- I just get to see the online bawling and snicker

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Sounds like a bad James Joyce novel. Or a good one.

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Is this like when Bannon was "fired" by the White House ("WINK WINK, NOD NOD")? Is Milo really finished? or just temporarily inconvenient, hence in need of a good, hard, turgid smoke-blowing?

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!!!!Cluster FU*K!!!!

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Boy, the Rainbow Minstral Clown has NOT been having a good year. He got canned off the speaker circuit(by his OWN people, short-term memory Alt-wrong Neanderthals!), his book is the "Gigli" of self-aggrandizing literature (if Trump wants to send North Korea a bomb, he should use Milo's book) his rallies have been cancelled and even attention to his sham marriage (TomKat was more believable) was preempted by a deluge of real-life disasters that made the manufactured disaster of Milo's "Klu Klux Kamp" act look all the more hollow and nonessential.

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Doktor Zoom, what the fuck do you have against artichokes? I adore them, tagliatelle or not.

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To even notice that Milo exists (or Ann Coulter, for that matter) is the first step to normalized canoodling with demons. Bannon is only now measuring the weight of his guilt.

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Are they expecting fact-based reality to just seep in via osmosis?

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A year older than me, and I still clean up nicer.

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Seriously now. Would you, as an incumbent Republican Senator in an extremely red state, want to lose a primary to Chemtrail Kelli?

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Put him in a convertible. With his ties, he could do an Isidore Duncan. (With votes)

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The Republican base has fallen so far since her win that they'd have trouble writing in "Flake" without fucking it up.

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Not a lot of money in that these days.

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No what it actually came from was some Facebook post where someone posted "drop a selfie of your big boobies" someone posted that, and I thought it was hysterical.

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Well, he rose to prominence with Gamergate so I think it's Not Your Shield in action. See, Not You Shield was a movement among women and minorities who agreed with Gamergate, essentially saying "You can't say these people are racist/misogynist/homophobic because I, a black person/woman/gay person say they are not! I am not going to be the shield you hide behind, you lying SJWs!" while, ironically, ignoring the fact that they were making themselves a shield for Gamergate to hide behind. It was a very weird movement.

A lot of women make their online presence this way by pandering to MRAs and such about how feminists really ARE awful evil manhaters and here's a woman who will totally back you up on everything so people can't call you sexist for saying it!

So I can see Milo making his living that way very easily. He uses his status as a gay man to shield his fans and collaborators from accusations of homophobia, while also acting like his status as a gay man should protect him from accusations of sexism, transphobia, racism, Islamaphobia, antisemitism, and so on.

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Bannon looks like a huge gross carbuncle in human shape even when he dresses in a formal suit. (Maybe I'm not remembering aright, but I thought I saw a picture of him that way once.) A case of earning your outward appearance year by year? Or is he Dorian Grey in reverse?Oh. I'm totally shocked to learn Milo consorted with Nazis, too.

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