And nice fresh mutton.

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"Last man standing" is always the best way to refine and improve civilization.

Even in the Bible, if you read it right, Jesus preaches about turning the other (guy's) cheek (into hamburger, with your bullets).

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Come on Kevin Williamson, you're not fooling anyone. You obviously haven't got any sympathy for anyone. Gabrielle Giffords, Newtown children, nobody.

So please, don't start off your article with such a bald-face lie, if you actually expect anyone to accept any further points you put forth.

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Predator drones might just use udp over IPSec because why reinvent the wheel?

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Well now, to be fair -- they <i>are</i> losers.

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The spinning sounds coming from his grave are starting to register on seismographs.

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Actually, Lillith is beginning to grow on me. Be a long time before he/she replaces Neilist, but I think the occasional sideways view can be interesting.

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I would have finished reading your comment, but I am late for my weekly White People Meeting.

Today we are deciding which settings call for outrage when a crime is committed there, and which we will, as a race, ignore.

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I haven’t been shot in the head(knock on wood) and I certainly hope I don’t but with digital rags like the NRO spouting nonsense that prevents us people, who don’t want to be shot in the head, from creating laws that might someday stop people from getting shot in the head we might never get there. You know, not getting shot in the head. Gah! I is speaking gibberish cuz I is soooooo mad.

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I'm not currently in a Harry Reid-fucking mood, because of <a href="http:\/\/www.dailykos.com\/story\/2013\/04\/17\/1202493\/-Thank-You-Harry-Reid" target="_blank">this</a>:

<blockquote>Today, our decisions will determine our destiny. Today, I chose to vote my conscience, not only as Harry Reid, United States Senator, but also as a husband, a father, a grandfather and a friend. I choose to vote my conscience because, if tragedy strikes again – if innocents are gunned down in a classroom or a theater or a restaurant – I could not live with myself as a father, as a husband, as a grandfather or as a friend knowing that I didn’t do everything in my power to prevent it.</blockquote>

On that UCA, the 60-vote threshold up-or-down has for some time now been very commonly imposed by UCAs for reasons of necessary expediency - without those agreements, each individual amendment would be subject to filibuster, twice, and if any single Senator wished to force a 60-vote threshold, they could, while also slowing down the process by several days per amendment plus several days per actual vote.

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I would love to know who gave him special grace to pronounce on the public-policy question of who gets to pronounce on public policy questions.

I'm pretty sure his white stubby penis does, in his mind.

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Umm...probably a dumb question, but what is a UCA?

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Yes, it only makes sense that having more of murderers' favorite weapons flooding our streets will result in less murder. I mean, duh!

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Unanimous consent agreement, aka a lot of typing ;)

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Thank you! I spent part of my civics class this afternoon trying not sound like an idiot about the US gov't with a grade 10'r who was asking me intelligent questions about pocket vetos and overrides (this is Canada, so even odder), so I was worried I had turned into a complete ignoramus on Congress, and Wikipedia on <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/UCA" target="_blank">UCA</a> wasn't helping, since I assumed you didn't mean Uniting Church in Australia, or University for the Creative Arts, England.

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Or their head in their 'hole.

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