They are always locked in.

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Agreed. However in my neighborhood we party.

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locking them in is an admirable idea.

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This just in from @FoxNews: If Barrack HUSSIEN O’Bama is relected our country is gonna be one big hip-hop bar-b-Q til Iran takes our wommen!

Also now on Fox & Friends: Are you voting for Obama so you can be a gay? Or because you’re scared of blacks?

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I think I can actually do that! I love voting. I will be using the bottle of gin I saved from the Frankenstorm though. Because.

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Actually there are Democrats on Staten Island. FEMA saved them. Just them.

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Others are waiting for him to make any sense. You are welcome!

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i'm a terrible phone banker and i HATE it but i can't find any bagger events to crash so i'm back to it as well.

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<i>If there is anyone we should believe unquestioningly about Democrat misbehavior, it is “The Romney campaign.” </i>

And so it begins. The losing team is pointing fingers faster than Chris Christie ordering at a Dunkin' Donuts.

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...funny how republicans make it harder to vote than it is to get a semi automatic assault rifle!

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