The Bank of Evil (formerly Lehman Brothers) joke in Despicable Me was especially appreciated in Ohio with our Lehman Bros. VP governor.

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We got ourselves a constitutional amendment that says the redistricting has to be done by a bipartisan commission using computer modeling. Of course, we have to wait for the 2020 census, so it's effects won't be seen until the 2022 midterms.

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I'm old enough to remember the days BEFORE legal abortion.

It truly is on par with the Spanish Inquisition. Thousands of women were mutilated and worse, not to mention dead, before legal, safe abortion was legal.

Of course, wealthy families never had to worry about it - they'd just schedule the lil lady for a D&C. Or travel to Mexico or some other legal country for a vacation.

What's worse, Conservatives believe that death and mutilation are the just punishment for going against God's law.

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This is the Kasich I have grown to know and despise. It actually gets way worse. Fucking forced birth fanatics and slut shamers. Fuck them all.

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Placenta? You're soaking in it.

ETA: D'oh! should have read further.

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And also SNAP - aka Food Stamps!

Talk about corporate welfare.

Any company that refuses to pay well enough for a family to survive should be billed for ALL the Social Services provided to that family.

That'd change a few things pretty fucking quick. Not that I expect anything like that.

However, I know a Canadian oil & gas company that got dinged by their province for using only contract workers (which threw them all on the Provinces Health Care bill). The Province sent them a letter telling them. "Uh, guys? You really can't just keep folks on contract forever without benefits. Hire some ppl or GTFO"

Actually, I don't think it was exactly like that, but... something happened.

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Aren't all abortions therapeutic, inasmuch as they are attempts to remedy a diagnosed medical condition?

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.. now I despise them with a fury ...Christine ( The Plymouth Fury from the Stephen King book )?

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No evidence of wrongdoing, while the perpetrators of the videos have been charged with crimes while producing their dreck - never mind that at least two other states that have already tried this have had their ban laws struck down.Yeah, Kasich lives in the same fantasyland that the rest of the GOP does...( and why hasn't his assertions been challenged by the media reporting them? )

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Yes! I can live with that!

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That's right! After all Permanent Lord Uber Alles Reagan got to practice mass over fucking as governor of Cali, then he took it national! And Margaret Thatcher was so enthralled by his mellow sociopathy, she took it international!

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This election is shaping up to be a referendum on women's rights and civil rights in general. Democrats should seize on that and quit whinging about Wall Street. Why? Civil rights carries a triple advantage for Democrats -- the majority, established law, and the high ground. The problems with Wall Street are not going to be solved by a presidential election anyway. All it does is open the Democrats up to the 'anti-business' canard, which is spurious but highly effective, even more so when framed as a defence against socialism.

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I had a friend who had a kid at 16 and didn't know she was pregnant until she was in the tub and felt the baby's head coming out. She got pregnant again a few years later and begged the doctors to tie her tubes. They told her that by law, she either would have to be 25 years old or have had something like 5 kids already! She fit neither of those guidelines. She got pregnant again a few years later, leaving her a single mother of 3 boys living in the projects in NYC.

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A pedant notes: Thatcher preceded Reagan, and Pinochet did it all first anyway.

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Using food banks as human shields to cover their egregious mismanagement is low. Very low.

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What, like half of the Wonketariat?

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