Let's hope some enterprising young lawyer in on it.

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I just fucking LOVE any news story that shows Muslims being more Christ-like than the Christers. It makes my day. :)

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Nah. He'll just claim his god did it.

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Well, at least pearl-clutching is healthier than BALL-clutching, which is what the Sanders fanatics do all day long. You don't get gangrene from hanging onto a necklace.

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I don't think there's one in a thousand Christians who even know who the Samaritans were, and why their behavior proves they don't understand that story AT ALL.

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I subscribe to James Morrow's vision of Jesus. In Only Begotten Daughter, the title character visits Hell and finds Jesus in a cave, doling out sips of water to the damned. When she asks him what he's doing there, he tells her "we do what we can". Then they have a GREAT conversation about all the shit that's been done in this name, which he doesn't know about because he's been down there helping the suffering EVER SINCE HE DIED.

That seems to me a much more fitting vision of how the guy spends his time than hanging around waiting to bitchslap people.

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Doesn't seem to be Mammon, either. Hmm. Could it be...

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I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.

-- Susan B. Anthony

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No, Jesus sounds like a fairly decent fellow, apart from the hair-trigger temper.

THIS guy is a dick.

ETA: Oh, didn't see the comma. ;)

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Don't forget the "progressive" assholes who'd rather watch it burn than admit they don't get to have every little thing they want in life.

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"Ew, no thanks. You go right ahead, though." -- The Buddha

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You see, for all the religions that purport to worship the same one god, it's shocking how far they deviate once us squidgy hoomans are done messing about with it.

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I think this is the first time I've agreed with that sentiment.

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"Mah Right..." Conservative notions of Koch-sponsored corporate "religious freedom" not just for gay-hating, women-bashing, white supremacists. We told ya so :)

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You're a card-carrying member of the ACLU, the very organization whose membership I dropped due to their amicus brief in support of Citizens United (money = speech) and their adoption of Libertarian anti-labor policies: http://thedailybanter.com/2...

But you're also a Bernie supporter, claiming you're against money in politics, bashing Clinton for having sense enough tor raise money in an effort to fend off the billion or so Koch and pals plan to throw at Democrats: http://americablog.com/2016...

Do the words cognitive dissonance have any meaning for Berners?

BTW, the far left's hero and lead hate-mongering Bernie Bro, Libertarian Glenn Greenwald, also came down on the side of the Koch-sponsored Citizens United decision... I wonder why: http://www.yaliberty.org/po...

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Of course :) It would be my job.

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