<also: i'm a little afraid to ask why a lousiana lobbyist is 'reading' to children.>

oh drunk fuflans put this on the wrong thread.

fuflans hangs head in shame...

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perfectly said my friend.

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Enjoy the diet waffle and chicken a la mode.

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Teachers with 40-50 kids a room, who are expected to do 20-30 hours of work outside the classroom a week, without any collective bargaining rights.

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From the latest story:

"Broun, a doctor from Athens in his third congressional term, routinely calls Obama a socialist and said shortly after Obama's election in 2008 that he feared the president would establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist dictatorship."

Why would Mr. Broun possibly think those comments could lead to such a question?

He must be a heckofa doctor. "Geez, Mrs. Jones, I'm really sorry your husband died. But that doesn't mean my operation was a failure..."

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I understand now. If the South can't have slaves, they'll settle for teachers.

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Mr. Broun simply had to tell the person who asked the question to leave the meeting.

He didn't have the guts or native wit to do that.

Now he's spinning it that he didn't dignify the question with an answer.


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To be fair, this comment and laughter wasn't the congressman's fault, just the stupid backwards morons that elected him.

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Would anyone be surprised that this “kook” has a sizable gun collection which he is legally entitled to own?

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I suppose he might survive a lynching, plus you actually have to touch the person to lynch him.

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As John The Boehner has taught us: Representatives job is to merely <em>listen</em> to constituents. And listening does not include informing them of their felonious behavior*. But now that the people of Georgia have spoken, will Broun blindly act on what he was told? Or will he agree that the people are sometimes idiots? __________________ * I have to allow that Broun was probably just a-scared of the questioner.

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I'd like to say that the right-wingers out there know that if he were to be shot, he'd immediately become a martyr for the cause, people would become activists in his memory and it would make the right wing look very bad. I doubt they have the collective brains to figure that out, though.

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They have teachers down South?

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The guy is a nut.

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Less retarded.

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Republican Conservakooks always ready to play the assassination card. Wasn't Garfield's assassin a Teaparty Anarchist?

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