Wouldn't he also have to have sex with her for that to be an issue?

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Actually, the heart of the matter is that certain Secret Service agents are cheapskates. If she says $300, you don't give her $30 and pretend you got confused about currency conversion rates.

I'll bet these same guys are also bad tippers at restaurants. Now <i>there</i> is a major crime.

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<i>"...62 percent of attendees said that Internet porn had contributed to divorces in the previous year."</i>

What the fuck kind of statistic is that? If an <i>attendee</i> had just one case that involved porn or heard of a case that involved porn or imagined a case that involved porn, he or she would be part of the 62%.

Meanwhile, demand for porn rises because of fear of STDs, lower costs thanks to market forces, and -- it must be said -- freedom. Some of those are good things from a Mona Charen perspective.

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I gotta say, freedom from Mona Charen is a beautiful thing.

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Yes, it's regrettable that Townhall exists, fucking cesspool that it is.

Let us suppose that Charen is correct in that the primary cause of the use of prostitutes is the watching of internet porn. In that case, what would we expect to see in history, in particular the part of history (almost all of it, Katie) where the internet did not exist? Less prostitution, of course. But, while the internet is not the oldest infrastructure, prostitution <em>is</em> "the oldest profession".

And so, to sum up: Mona Charen, you're a fucking braindead moron. The end.

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That doesn't much impact her, though, now, does it?

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What does Ms Charen think about men who watch porn whilst <i>concurrently</i> fucking a prostitute? Because I, for one, think that is just sick.

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