Well, we know she can't be reading the comments.

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And then it's pathetic.

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Nock, nock.

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Shooter McMalkin: "You're in big trouble though, pal. I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!"

Happy Trixmore: "You eat pieces of shit for breakfast??"

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Yes, but that should have been:

"<b>An</b> backfire."

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Just checking, you know?

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Toxic xenophobe?

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That vid never grows old.

Not so true of Wannabe Pedophile's Wetdream, M. Malkin, who is aging faster than a bruised banana.

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Ha-ha, you lose, my mother's dead. And she didn't believe in spiritualism, so you won't get anything out of the Ouija board. Anyhoo, I wasn't going to argue with you, so my pants-wetting is moot. I just wanted to point out that what you say about grammatical errors is true, but not relevant to deliberate errors. I'm an old man, so at least half the references here go straight by me, but I can usually catch the sound of one passing over my head. Ms Malkin can't, apparently.

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You dangle your inscrutable witticisms in front of the commentariat you have, not the commentariat you deserve.

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And you're a full day behind in your work the day after.

The fact is, the FOXtard audience doesn't have the attention span needed for corrections to sink in, so why even bother? Faux "News" blowhards just invent crap, spew it out, and move on to the next lie, knowing that their audience swallowed the last one and is already looking forward to the next tidbit.

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I would be very surprised if he set the threshhold that low. I mean, he's fine with 30,000 dead every year, and I'll bet close to 1,000 of those are kids already.

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Bush concluded his speech on a note of healing and redemption.

"We as a people must stand united, banding together to tear this nation in two," Bush said. "Much work lies ahead of us: The gap between the rich and the poor may be wide, be there's much more widening left to do. We must squander our nation's hard-won budget surplus on tax breaks for the wealthiest 15 percent. And, on the foreign front, we must find an enemy and defeat it." -------------------------- Laugh or cry? I'm having a hard time deciding.

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Did you know that if someone makes a grammatical error, it completely invalidates any attempted point that was being made?

"I am no longer an idiot, because you are too," said Michelle Malkin, adding "Neener-neener."*

*This quote is not real, but is a comedic distillation of the circumstances surrounding this situation. Also, please note, for the comically handicapped in our audicne, the use of neener-neener here is meant to symbolize the words of a childish person. However, in reality, I am not childish. If for some reason, you were able to prove me to actually be a childish pile of kneejerk idiocy who doesn't understand humor at all and completely misses any point being made in order to score some kind of imaginary win, I bet I could ask your mother, and she'd readily confirm that in fact, you used to pee your pants at one time.


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One time I went to the bank because they had made a mistake and understated my account by $10.00. Then the teller pointed out my shoe was untied, which is why they got to keep my $10.00.

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It says a lot about the respectability of one's argument when their response criticizes only a grammatical "error". On Twitter.

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