Fired with pain?

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Two days later, but what the heck...

First, fossil fuels are killing the planet, so continuing coal mining is not an option. Second, more renewable energy jobs were created last year in the US than for fossil fuel energy production.

As a 65 year old, I am sympathetic to old timers reluctance to learning a new trade, but if society waits until all the olds die off, we can't progress, because we don't all die at the same time. Old folks have always had a hard time adjusting. A hundred and some years ago, there were 58 year-old farmers who had to learn to drive cars and tractors to keep the farm; most probably hated it. And yes, President Clinton would love to train all those who are willing for new jobs. Will the Republican congress pay for it?

Part of that grinding poverty of white "moochers" in Appalachia would be less grinding if they started paying attention to reality and worried less about choosing candidates who hate the right people. Yeah, I'd like to reach them, but they have to be willing to meet reality halfway. I was raised by Oakie children of the dust bowl, much like the Appalachian backwoods, but I just got tired of trying to get them to stop being so determined to stay ignorant, and maybe ease up on the hatred some.

Also, I remember the 1950s and 60s. The Democratic Party didn't desert the working poor whites, it discovered the working poor blacks, and many of the whites left the party because their need for hatred was stronger than their need for union champions.

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Companies do not want to hire people over a certain age. They have to pay them more, the health insurance is too expensive, they'll retire, etc. etc. My point was not that us old folks can't adapt to new jobs and learn new skills, the point I was making is that, even with impressive resumes, and with re-training....no one wants to hire anyone over 50. Except Walmart, who will happily pay them maybe 25% or less of their previous wages. IF the social safety net was stronger, people could retire earlier if they wanted, which would free up a whole shit-load of jobs for millennials. Old Folks around my age stay in their jobs, because they know that it'll be the last career they'll ever have, and maybe they don't have a ton of cash to see them through til they die. Lets lower the retirement age and raise the cap on SS.

I can only speak from my father's experience, but he was in a union at Bell Telephone after WWll, up until he retired. A few of his co-workers were POC(which he didn't like, 'cuz he was a bigot.)His office was in the City of Chicago, which may have contributed to the slight diversity at that time, but over the span of his career, more and more minorities joined the local.

I have no doubt that a lot of Democrats left the party, and their unions, because of those durn POC. In my case, I didn't leave the Dem party because I'm a racist. The party left me because ever since St. Ronald of Reagan was in office, the Republicans moved right, and the Democrats followed. And every time the Repigs have moved right since then, the Democrats followed them. I'm an independent voter who just went and voted straight Democratic, except for one race where a Repig was running uncontested, and I wrote in Keith Moon.

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I don't know how much room our tiny work kitchenette has for multiple coffee machines.

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other than that one time they asked employees to solve race relations in our country, Starbucks is pretty stellar when it comes to how they treat their employees. too bad their coffee is garbage.

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Soylent Green... It's all natural.

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They used to be, for decades. But in this new century of fuck-the-workers, good companies like that don't make it.

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"But asked if he saw a gun, he said, "No, I did not."" So he just randomly yelled "gun" in the middle of a Trump rally. And for some reason the gunhumpers panicked. Gee, I wonder if they'll actually have half a second of empathy for everyone they terrify when they walk around a grocery store with a rifle strapped to their back?

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but where were the good guys with guns? i thought Trump supporters were "good" guys with guns....they always tell us they can settle these situations...WHERE WERE THE GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS?!? WHERE?!?

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Trader Joe's parking tends to be terrible because they usually take over a building that was a less popular store. So when TJ's moves in, the parking is not enough for their traffic. When TJ's buys a lot and builds their own store, the parking is more than adequate.

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I rather like the fact that a lot of the employees at my neighborhood Von's know me because I shop there regularly. I don't need big smiles, but I do appreciate knowing they notice who comes and goes. Plus, I'm not antisocial - I actually like talking to people when I'm out. Grumpiness is common enough, I don't need more of it when it's not necessary.

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THAT is frightening me!!!!

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Awwww, what did I miss?

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I worked at a TJs in Tucson. I was fired for not kissing the Captain's ass. Hi Sean!

He subsequently got caught doing a number of Bad Things on Company Time with employees, and so did the Regional who was getting a little off the top.

TJs was the best workout I ever got paid for, and some of the people are Capital A Awesome. But in order to be a 'Full Timer' (the ones with the flowered shirts) one has to have some of your brain and a lot of your humanity removed.


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Crap! Though I guess I should have expected it.

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