Given that this pollster believes he is right, and if he is wrong it means voter fraud, what would happen if Trump wins by more than this pollster expects? Would that mean Trump supporters committed voter fraud?

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SDNY has numerous documents with Sean's name on them.

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What do all these assholes expect to get in return for collaborating with this attempted fascist takeover of America?

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If there isn't a GoFundMe for this family, there should be.

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That sweet, sweet wingnut welfare. It's never ending and there's plenty of it to go around because no one ever went broke overestimating the level of stupidity in the American population.

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Seriously, would you eat any of that lot? With so much bile in their systems, they'd taste like shit before poisoning you.

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Lubbock, Texas! Just sayin’. I can name names. Like media moguls that own radio stations that promote violence in defense of religious freedom. THAT’S the kind of stupidity that we’re up against. Huh, D-A-V-E?

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I read a comment that analogized bow ties to the yellow jersey in the Tour de France, as the bow tie gets worn by the most pompous guy that day!

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I liked Donald Duck in Mathemagic Land!

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WTF are they waiting for? It’s not like he has absolute immunity.

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"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice!" - 1964

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"Unindicted co-conspirator"

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Got out of class to go see “American democracy in action”, could have reached out and touched Barry. (Just wanted a field trip)

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I was 16. That's the year I figured out I am a Democrat.

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We all have PTSD from that one.

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I hate to be a mean girl (Fact Check: wrong), but this guy’s old job as assistant night manager at Chuck-E-Cheese just called to say they don’t want him back after that episode in the ball pit.

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