I remember a bully in 7th grade saying that to me. Or at least that's what I think he was trying to say, kinda hard to hear over the sound of my fist punching him repeatedly in the face...

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It's the adult version of "why are you hitting yourself?" https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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It's like vaccinating the entire public against a strain of stupid.

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Hrm. What if Mitch doesn't much care for Cotton and his ilk? Wouldn't this be just the perfect setup to watch 'em all self-immolate?

Oh wait, he signed it too.

Carry on.

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Amazingly, there seems to be no end to the stupidity of the Republican party. Just when you think they've maxed out, they surprise you (not really) with even more stupid. It would be funny if they didn't actually hold powerful positions in the government. A laugh-riot Fox TV sit-com???

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If you want laughs you can watch Faux now. Plenty of hilarious bullshit there. In the past week I've heard "Big Government causes racism" and "Obama shouldn't ban armor piercing bullets because small bullets don't hurt cops."

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And when they start the war they so desperately want it'll be ALL Obama's fault. Somehow. Because they say so. Ignore what they did to actually cause it.

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He really sets the bar high for incoming Senate n00bs. Or low. Whichever.

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It's the fly in the ice cube and the rubber vomit that really break 'em up in Tehran.

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"When you're up to your ass in alligators..."

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I wish I could believe that.

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Now that you mention it...

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Consequences, how do they work?

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And yet, she always does. In some future lexicon, Palinating will be synonymous with disappointing.

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As his hero St. Ronnie once said, "You ain't seen nothing yet."

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That's what Mitt said at Cranbrook Prep school BITD when he bullied another kid.

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