Hello. I'm racist White Trash and yes, I do want to marry my sister.


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The Four Norsemen of the Apoopcalypse.

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Sorry to disappoint you but she's married and loves her husband(2nd marriage) and he is the Mann(literally). "Exclusive: Elizabeth Warren's husband has stayed out of the spotlight. Now he's opening up about their 2020 'adventure' " https://www.cnn.com/2019/09...

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as a person who writes songs for a living I can tell you that my intellectual property rights have gone to shit in the last 20 years (that's not china's fault thanks internet!) I just think it's funny that trump is trying to get china to pay more for our intellectual property and none of the benefits are going to go to anybody who voted for him, meanwhile all the trade war is doing is hurting the people who do vote for him

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Ohhhh Evan you are GOOD. You just KNOW that the little Khashoggi nugget you ever so casually dropped at the end of the article absolutely happened.

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I agree, the US law over length of copyright is stupid, but it's complicated. if it worked the way you want if I write a song when I'm 16 and live to be 100, that's a lot better than if I write a song when I'm 99. under your system, if I wrote a hit and then got hit by a bus, my kid wouldn't get any of it? the way it works now in the US is any song written before 1922 is public domain, but the new law is going to be 95 years after the song is released it becomes PD. that does seem ridiculous, but in europe, it used to be 50 years (they changed it to 70 years in 2013). that means that "love me do" by the beatles is public domain. is it fair that I can sell a version of that song and one of the guys who wrote it is still alive? anyway that's not even what the fight with china is about, in china, only 34 foreign movies a year are allowed, that means all the other movies can only be pirated. also in China a website called Baidu is where most chinese kids download music, the artists see none of the money but Baidu made $4 billion last year from ad revenue. oh and iTunes isn't even allowed in China. that doesn't seem that fair to me

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So I guess a few folks got offended about that because... it's true?

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I think it's already started in the wings.

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I could quibble with a couple of the details, but I agree almost entirely.

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Don't have any sisters. Don't have any daughters. I guess in Trumpworld I'm destined to die a virgin.

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It has been a year since Khashoggi's murder. May his memory always be a blessing, and may Trump die in federal prison, surrounded by his loved (ha) ones.

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Oh, there's much fuckery in China that dates back decades (apart from the stuff that dates back a century, and other stuff that dates back millennia). Bill Clinton (whose entire fault it wasn't) was in the WH when China first received Most Favored Nation status. That this was not tied to any increase in human rights or environmental stewardship was, if not the crime of the century, certainly a contender for that title.

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OT, but Luca Brasi rehearsing his wedding day speech to Don Corleone was one of the most heartbreaking scenes ever filmed.

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Russell Crowe was good in The Gladiator, but I liked him better in The Master and Commander.

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I drove around Detroit at 11:00 PM on a Friday night with mapquest directions trying to find the hotel where an SF convention we were going to attend was at. We could see the hotel, but we couldn't figure out how to get to it. We stopped at all these gas stations and asked directions, but they were worthless, because the jerk-in-the-box didn't live in the area.

Mapquest was good up until the last mile. I hated mapquest.

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