Another fine idea!

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Where youze guys livin in dat dere city?

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Yup, that exact thing. I called it Magic Fingers, lol.

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Thank you for your service. And I also thank all the dedicated medical service personnel who go the extra mile to save and care for our brave service people. They often put their lives on the line, too.

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canard? . . . you're just winging it now.

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If we survive this regime, the Trump is a Putz medal is going to be the nation's second-greatest honor.

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A study of the George W. Bush era Congress found that a majority with military service were Democrats, since the Vietnam-era sons of wealthy Republicans could afford to go to college for the deferments.

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You come for the waters?

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Junk is not checked. It's eyes forward, and everything done in there is done with the hope that it cannot be construed as possibly gay, because it's a well-known fact that every gay in a public restroom is checking out all the cis men they want to have sex with.

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Both a right and a responsibility. But yes, an integral part of defining the "homosexual" as incapable of citizenship is making "homosexual" or "deviant" an a priori condition of unfit for service.

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I'd hazard that you're not the only veteran who feels this way.

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I am leaving, I am leaving, but the asshole still remains. <sigh>

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They tend to be WAY less work.

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So when Donnie gets 'set down' because he's as crooked as ten miles of bad road, they'll shut up because it's God's will?No, I don't think so either.

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Believe it or not, 1688 in England and 1789 in France.

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