"Any allegations of misconduct are taken very seriously. We are working to determine the facts in this case, after which we will take appropriate action."
got my attention as well. The appropriate reaction is to tell Huckleberry Clay to fuck his own transphobic self.
Where can I get one of those Astronaut Ice Cream Sandwiches that will make you pansexual? Being stuck straight sucks, as all my gay friends seem to be having sex all the time so that looks like a shortcut to fun city!
“Wait, there’s a trans person near children? Well, obviously that cannot stand. Let’s go get them. And make sure they’re never in a position to harm children again.”
These dipshits will never say it, but they want trans people dead. And if some sick fuck shoots up this space camp or hunts down this employee, this asshole has blood on his hands — not that he will ever admit that was his goal all along.
Yes, the space camp people could have been stronger in their support of their own people. But I’m more concerned about the fact any random piece of shit can now be famous just for suspecting a trans person exists in a place that he deems inappropriate for that person to be.
With all the guns and assholes out there waiting to be set off, this is outrageously dangerous — and it’s long past time people in power stepped up and called out these shitstains for the wannabe accessories to murder they clearly want to be.
Let's make a list of people who have been sexually abused at various church camps and retreats over the years vs. people abused at Space Camp by anyone of any gender or sexual orientation. You first, Mr. Yarborough! I can wait.
(this could be part of my pitch for a YouTube channel consisting entirely of drag queens reading the names of youth pastors who have been tried and convicted of child sex abuse)
I note NASA Huntsville Spacecamp has 24 hour video security and it’s monitored, BUTTTTTT, what if one of the security footage monitors is creepy in a normal, Alabama, kind of way? What then? Huh? What’s Clay yankpole gonna do about that? What if Tommy Tooberville is doin’ the monitoring?
If the rethugs get their way everyone in the USA would be required to walk around looking like a slice of wonderbread. These are seriously the most boring people in the universe. scared of crybabies
It has come to our attention that you have expressed concern about a transgender employee at Space Camp.
I have taken your concerns very seriously. As it is possible, and probably likely, that there are transgdner employees working at all U.S. government facilities in Albabama, and to placate your concerns, I have decided to move all U.S. government facilities and employees out of your state, including all military bases, space facilities, as well as all agricultural and educational programs.
I hope this action is sufficient to satisfy you and your constituents.
Yours truly,
Joseph Biden, president
P.S. Some of our FEMA employees are transgender, so next time a hurricane hits, out of an abundance of caution we won't be sending anyone to help.
Existence is resistance. Trans folk living their lives, just being *people* is radical in the face of a dehumanizing movement. And on some level, the bigots get that, because they too think that the mere existence of a trans person is dangerous. But to borrow the saying, until more cis folks see transphobia and cissexism as their problems to solve, rather that trans people’s problems to sympathize with, it’ll will remain bad //for everyone//, including the bigots themselves!
Far more dangerous to Alabama children https://www.wsfa.com/2022/05/28/30-alabama-church-personnel-southern-baptists-abuser-list/
I don’t understand why Space Camp was even willing to confirm it had transgender staff. That’s nobody’s business, surely?
Yeah, this line from the official statement
"Any allegations of misconduct are taken very seriously. We are working to determine the facts in this case, after which we will take appropriate action."
got my attention as well. The appropriate reaction is to tell Huckleberry Clay to fuck his own transphobic self.
Where can I get one of those Astronaut Ice Cream Sandwiches that will make you pansexual? Being stuck straight sucks, as all my gay friends seem to be having sex all the time so that looks like a shortcut to fun city!
“Wait, there’s a trans person near children? Well, obviously that cannot stand. Let’s go get them. And make sure they’re never in a position to harm children again.”
These dipshits will never say it, but they want trans people dead. And if some sick fuck shoots up this space camp or hunts down this employee, this asshole has blood on his hands — not that he will ever admit that was his goal all along.
Yes, the space camp people could have been stronger in their support of their own people. But I’m more concerned about the fact any random piece of shit can now be famous just for suspecting a trans person exists in a place that he deems inappropriate for that person to be.
With all the guns and assholes out there waiting to be set off, this is outrageously dangerous — and it’s long past time people in power stepped up and called out these shitstains for the wannabe accessories to murder they clearly want to be.
"We are working to determine the facts in this case". FFS.
"It's not hearsay because I'm just telling you what the person I talked to told me what they saw" is, in point of face, hearsay.
My then-wife's nephew went to Space Camp back in the 00's. He loved it!
Let's make a list of people who have been sexually abused at various church camps and retreats over the years vs. people abused at Space Camp by anyone of any gender or sexual orientation. You first, Mr. Yarborough! I can wait.
(this could be part of my pitch for a YouTube channel consisting entirely of drag queens reading the names of youth pastors who have been tried and convicted of child sex abuse)
Astronaut ice cream is famously queer-coded and will actually make you pansexual.
Plainly, although having eaten it many times as a child, I didn't eat it enough then. Maybe there's still time.
Getting People to Stop Being Assholes: The Final Frontier.
I note NASA Huntsville Spacecamp has 24 hour video security and it’s monitored, BUTTTTTT, what if one of the security footage monitors is creepy in a normal, Alabama, kind of way? What then? Huh? What’s Clay yankpole gonna do about that? What if Tommy Tooberville is doin’ the monitoring?
If the rethugs get their way everyone in the USA would be required to walk around looking like a slice of wonderbread. These are seriously the most boring people in the universe. scared of crybabies
Dear Senator Tubberville,
It has come to our attention that you have expressed concern about a transgender employee at Space Camp.
I have taken your concerns very seriously. As it is possible, and probably likely, that there are transgdner employees working at all U.S. government facilities in Albabama, and to placate your concerns, I have decided to move all U.S. government facilities and employees out of your state, including all military bases, space facilities, as well as all agricultural and educational programs.
I hope this action is sufficient to satisfy you and your constituents.
Yours truly,
Joseph Biden, president
P.S. Some of our FEMA employees are transgender, so next time a hurricane hits, out of an abundance of caution we won't be sending anyone to help.
Existence is resistance. Trans folk living their lives, just being *people* is radical in the face of a dehumanizing movement. And on some level, the bigots get that, because they too think that the mere existence of a trans person is dangerous. But to borrow the saying, until more cis folks see transphobia and cissexism as their problems to solve, rather that trans people’s problems to sympathize with, it’ll will remain bad //for everyone//, including the bigots themselves!
I mean, he acts like women could never sexually abuse girls. FFS
And that, given the slightest opportunity, one hundred percent of men would. Every angle of this is fucking gross.
We just can't control ourselves. There was a time when everyone just accepted that it was the way things were, men being the way they were.
Remember that time when America was great? That's it.