Trans Lady Existing At Space Camp, So That's A Thing To Be Upset About If You Are Disgusting
WTF is wrong with people, forever.

It is a well-known science fact that everything in outer space is queer (except for Pluto, which is cis and straight yet a remarkable ally) but the lamestream media won’t talk about THAT. What they WILL talk about is the stupid contretemps over a trans person in Alabama not only existing but also having a job at space camp. Today I read even more via Parker Molloy’s newsletter. And as a former Space Camper of the Week (holding for your applause), I shall now weigh in.
The deal is this: A local father called Clay Yarbrough decided to claim he was concerned about children’s safety when he found out there was a transgender employee at space camp — space camp where his daughter doesn’t even go, because Clay Yarbrough’s disgusting. Have there been any kind of whispers of hints of allegations of inappropriate behavior by said individual? Shut the fuck up, of course there haven’t.
In an interview with, Clay recounts calling the camp VP to ask her about it.
“She said, ‘I can assure you that your kid’s safety is my number one priority, and no males are allowed in female dorms, and no females are allowed in male dorms.’ So I asked, do you allow transgenders in?”
He says she told him that a trans woman was permitted to be in the dorm hallways in an area where girls stayed in unlocked dorm rooms. I don’t know why this would be an issue, unless you believe anyone born with a penis is inherently predatory and dangerous, including (or especially?) someone who identifies as a woman.
In the manner of all people who definitely aren’t excited about trying to attract major media attention to make up for the emptiness in their lives, Clay posted about it on Facebook. If you’d like to see it, Evan Urquhart at Assigned Media has it and more.
Don’t worry, though, Clay told that he does not hate “these people.” LOLOL.
Racists don’t like to be called racists. Transphobes don’t like to be called transphobes. And regardless of your particular flavor of hate, most humans do not like to be called “hateful.” It’s part of the bullshit performance of “kindness” as a virtue that the most vicious and vituperative people looooooove to put on.
Don’t worry, Republican politicians jumped on the story! US Reps. Robert Aderholt (AL-4) and Dale Strong (AL-5) posted statements on X, as did US Sen. Tommy Tuberville. (I dunno if Sen. Katie Britt has weighed in from her spooky kitchen yet.)
US Rep. Gary Palmer (AL-6) said, “When parents send their kids to Space Camp in Alabama, they should be confident they are going to a safe, educational environment.” Again, to my current knowledge from reading accounts by Molloy, Urquhart, and NBC Huntsville affiliate WAFF, the employee in question has not been accused of any behavior, criminal or even icky, on or off the job.
Here’s an excerpt from the response by the US Space & Rocket Center:
We are aware of rumors circulating on social media about a Space Camp employee. We would like to assure parents, teachers, and the public that the safety and security of Space Camp students is our number one priority. Any allegations of misconduct are taken very seriously. We are working to determine the facts in this case, after which we will take appropriate action.
The U.S. Space & Rocket Center adheres to all state and federal laws regulating hiring practices […]
We also have rigorous standards and procedures regarding the behavior of Space Camp employees to ensure the safety of students. These include:
No physical contact between staff and students beyond a fist bump or high five.
No staff is allowed to be alone with a student behind a closed door […]
No discussion of religion, sexual topics, politics, or sharing of opinions and beliefs that may be controversial.
Additionally, staff sleep in separate rooms from students and use separate bathroom facilities. We also provide 24-hour onsite security including round-the-clock video surveillance, regular foot and vehicle patrols, and controlled campus and building access.
We are an apolitical organization with no social agenda. Our singular mission is to inspire and educate.
Space Camp has been a trusted institution since its founding in 1982 with more than one million graduates from all 50 states and 150 countries. Many of those graduates have gone on to apply the leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills they learned at Space Camp to successful careers as scientists, engineers, teachers, doctors, and astronauts. We will continue to work hard to foster trust with each family and student that walks in our doors.
You know what we don’t see in that letter? Any recognition that these “rumors” are rumors entirely and solely that someone on staff might not be cisgender. There is no standing up for their employee, a person devoting their life to making science awesome and fun. There is no pointing out that in fact, the employee hasn’t been accused of jack shit. Instead, they buy into the premise entirely. They buy into the idea there might be “misconduct” that they are “investigating” which might require “action.” Based on what? That asshole up there!
So that’s fucked up!
Now let me tell you about the one of the best experiences of my entire damn life. In eighth grade, two nerdy little friends and I convinced our parents to shell out major ducats for us three girls to go to Space Camp at the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. I assume this went on a credit card with some reasonable ‘90s APR that was not 29.99%, because it was surely not cheap. We probably sold them on it by claiming it would further our interest in careers in science, enabling us to make major money and provide cushy retirements for them.
Unlike my higher-achieving friends, I got poor grades in math and mediocre grades in science. In truth, I just thought space was cool, and this was the place where some of the actors for the panic attack-inducing film Apollo 13 had done their training, and I also thought that was cool.
The result? Not only did I fall in love with Space Camp, I became a lifelong fan of NASA funding and research as well as space education. The only propaganda Space Camp spews is space is cool and we should know more about it and do more cool stuff in space to make life better for everybody and also invent new forms of ice cream and give jobs to space people who like space.
Oh, and as the Flight Director of our simulated space mission (I’m holding for your TEARFUL standing ovation) I can say that it was a great opportunity to meet kids from all around the country as well as interesting, thoughtful and kind adults who had devoted their lives to science education.
I have no doubt some of the staff were LGBTQIA+, as was I (though I certainly wasn’t out yet). That’s because anywhere humans are gathered in groups, some of us are queer. But for trans individuals, the queerness is often more visible than it is for cis folks. This puts them at risk for all kinds of violence. The type of verbal attacks launched by Clay Yarbrough are nothing unusual, really, but going after somebody’s job is just another way to keep oneself busy pretending to care about the kids, I guess.
I’m sure various Republican politicians were thrilled by the chance to jump on this story instead of doing something that might actually make life safer for children in Alabama, like changing the fact that a quarter of their kids live in poverty and attend some of the worst public schools in America.
I am terribly sorry for what this employee has to go through. But I am still very glad that an out trans employee is part of the educational staff at a space camp in Alabama. I am certain there are trans and nonbinary children among the participants. The visibility of an out queer person really matters.
Just existing in one’s own skin, presenting in one’s own way, doing one’s own nerdy job, is absolutely a revolutionary act, particularly in a state riddled with MAGA cult members. And it is a good and healthy thing for children — not just queer kids, but all kids — to see that adults come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and genders.
Also, Joaquin Phoenix was in this very serious documentary about SPACE CAMP when he was called Leaf. So. We must protect it at all costs!!!
And Space Camp? Be a wee bit — no, a lot! — better at protecting your people, please.
>> "“She said, ‘I can assure you that your kid’s safety is my number one priority, and no males are allowed in female dorms, and no females are allowed in male dorms.’ So I asked, do you allow transgenders in?” <<
I'm a little late to the party, so first let me say, "Thank you Sara, you big ol' queerbo dorkosaurus space nerd."
After that though, let me just say for EVERYFUCKINGBODY WHAT HAS A BODY, when you see the words "transsexual" or "transgender" or "trans," you do not need to be freaking out. HOWEVER, when you see any of those three words as a noun, IT'S TIME TO FREAK THE FUCK OUT.
I have been a trans 911 operator, a trans ethics consultant, a trans fuckup, a trans programmer, and even a trans home owner. I have never been "a trans."
There is one reason and one reason only to do what this fucked up, hateful man did with his, "do you allow transgenders in?" phrasing, and that is to portray transness as something that entirely dominates who you a person is and can be. To the people who use "a transsexual" the purpose is not to list an important feature, but to name the only defining feature, to assert that no other features matter, to stand firm on the ground that to know this one thing about me is to know me entire.
One of the reasons that people today think that "transsexual" is a dirty word that must not be spoken is that for decades it was used as exactly this type of noun, a defining categorization, a cage. You didn't hear "a transsexual schoolteacher" or "a transsexual bank teller" before 1990. There's nothing inherently wrong with crossing lines of physical sex instead of crossing lines of gender, but somehow cis people were hard to train out of using transsexual as a noun while still using it as an adjective. And so now we have collapsed categories and okay, what the fuck ever. It bugs me that I'd like to be able to say, "this is an important part of me," without having it be a slur but instead I have to say, "Well, I'm transgender, but actually my gender is incredibly boring and looks like a good 30% to 40% of what you'll see from any queer woman in Cascadia, cis or trans, and no one would bat an eye about my gender except that my biological sex at birth wasn't what you guessed it was." It's not nearly as pithy as saying, "I'm a sarcastic transsexual asshole," but language evolves. I get it.
But if I have to put up with language evolving then so do these cissexists. So I'm giving you all permission to say -- every time you hear this shit -- "Did you just use [trans/transgender/transsexual] as a NOUN? Whoa if true, because Crip Dyke says you're a par-boiled bigot if you do that. Better take it back before I give her a link to this comment."
I don't care how busy it keeps me. I'm gonna bust a rhetorical foot off in the rhetorical ass of every single one of these melonfucking Bluetooth assgadgets, because this is the language that separates, that dehumanizes, that isolates. This is the way us produces them.
If we don't want the already horrifying state of cissexist affairs to get worse, we have to kick this language in its cissexual balls. Every. Single. Time.
Did everyone notice that I was SPACE CAMPER OF THE WEEK and that I have salon highlights in that blurry photo, yes or yes?