Ironically, my parents never got around to having “the talk” with me, but they certainly taught me me how to sex a blue crab when I was wee thing. We threw all of the ladies back to make more 🦀
Jesus Fucking Christ. There’s a motherfucker from a for-profit “welfare to work” program BOASTING about how welfare recipients are his “product” and how he’s profiting by charging the government AND business to whom he supplies workers. MOTHER FUCK.
If it accepts your offer to buy it a drink, it's female.
I really should have gone to bed two hours ago, but i started smoking weed and drinking Canadian liquor in a purple box. Now, I'm just fucked.
But not too fucked
Ironically, my parents never got around to having “the talk” with me, but they certainly taught me me how to sex a blue crab when I was wee thing. We threw all of the ladies back to make more 🦀
Yeah, and she’s mangling the singular/plural agreement of pronoun and verb. In the first clause they don’t agree but they do in the second.
Now I have this great urge to play Civilization V...
This is what Fox viewers want. Outrage is the product.
They don’t want their kids, or yours, to get it. They want the kids to inherit their bigotry and fear.
It's pronounced data, as proved when Dr. Polanski in season 2 tried to pronounce it like data and Data corrected her.
Yeah, that movie alone explains A LOT about GenX.
The soundtrack was great, though.
I can't wait for the woke DofH reboot where the Admiral Farragut has a Pride flag on its roof.
They aim to eliminateLGTBQ+ people. Now it’s cultural elimination. Soon it will physical, ie, genocide.
FFS, a robot is by definition nonbinary! (in the gendered sense)
It is also by definition binary, or hexadecimal, or maybe qbitical! ( in the machine code sense)
Oh god, the jokes must be writing themselves haha
Jesus Fucking Christ. There’s a motherfucker from a for-profit “welfare to work” program BOASTING about how welfare recipients are his “product” and how he’s profiting by charging the government AND business to whom he supplies workers. MOTHER FUCK.
“…a life grounded in faith and freedom.”
- NaziBarbie
Who even talks like that? Anyways, “trans” is right there in the name of their species.